Forum Topics Strawmen website feedback
2 years ago

I view the Straman website on my desktop using Chrome. Over the last day, the font size has become very small. It doesn't happen on any other website. Is this happening to any other Chrome users? I've rebooted my computer and haven't changed any settings.

Problem doesn't hapen with MS Edge.

(If I can't solve this, I'll need to book an appointment with the optician.)


2 years ago

Hi @mikebrisy You may have inadvertantly set the display zoom for the site in Chrome (Chrome remembers your preference for zoom (font size) setting on a per site basis) - you can try setting it back to the default - to do this - when on the Strawman site (any page):

On Mac the key combination is Command-0 (thats a zero not the letter O) - presumably on windows it is something like CTRL-0

or in the Chrome menus under View choose "Actual Size"


2 years ago

Thanks @Remorhaz .... I'm feeling like an idiot as I do this all the time on other websites. Its just never happened to me unwittingly.

All sorted! Thanks.

2 years ago

Maybe we should look at how to add sell side analyst target prices within each stock.

Or allow members to add multiple sell side/buy side target prices only if they specify the bank/broker they are source the number from.

But adding one valuation if it is their own (ie: not a broker sell side price)

It's getting cumbersome readding my valuation each time Macquarie updates (or more harshly - get the price wrong. See below how many times in a week Macquarie updated the price :( ).



Do we want sell side analyst price targets for each stock? I love the fact we get the wisdom of the Strawman crowd here, with valuations weighted by upvotes (if my understanding is correct) and not influenced by the sell side. I feel the more sell side valuations that enter Strawman, the less valuable member insights become. Maybe that's just me though.


2 years ago

We should have separate valuations, one for the members and one for the institutions and make it distinct with separate lines.

That way it is a good way of comparing how we are tracking versus what the institutions think. It is easy to remain thinking what is in strawman and ignore what is happening outside.

A good example is PME with lots of institutions thinking it is a buy up to $55 (and why I think it fails to remain below $40 which is what the majority of strawman thinks).

Yes I still think institution targets can't be trusted and they are probably trying to get some liquidity from us retail punters. But it is good to have a benchmark.

If that news stream comes as a feed like on my brokerage account, perhaps those targets can be scraped and fed into the system, and reevaulated automatically each time it is updated? I've tried looking at it before but haven't had time to focus on it.


Is there a way for me to automatically every month whatever award $ i receive to go towards future subscription? Instead of me picking that every month?

2 years ago

Hopefully this is an easy one to fix Andrew - When we go to place a BUY order here, the last field (the "Limit Price" field) has a prompt titled "Minimum Price Per Share" (or "Min price per share" to be exact). I.e., the same as for a SELL order. It makes sense for a SELL order, but for BUY orders it should read "Max price per share" because that's what it is, the highest price you are prepared to pay, so "Min" needs to be changed to "Max" for the Limit Price field (prompt) in the trade screen once the user chooses "BUY" instead of "SELL". When the user chooses SELL, the prompt makes sense and doesn't need to be changed. Just when they choose BUY, the text is wrong. See example below...



2 years ago

hi @Bear77

I actually see "max price per share" for buy orders already:


I tried using various order prompts, but i always got this. Next time you notice this, email me through the exact steps you took and anything else that might help us narrow down what's going on. Whatever it is, it should be very straightforward for us to fix.


2 years ago

Yes, it's working fine now. I can't seem to recreate the issue, so not sure how I managed to get that, but as you can see from the screenshot, it did happen, and I have noticed it on previous occasions also. I'll let you know if I see it again and what I did just prior to seeing it, if it happens.


2 years ago

OK, got that bug again today Andrew - here's the screenshot -


So, the sequence of steps I took to arrive there was (1) I clicked on the "+" sign (to the left of the blue star and to the right of my return%) on the Sandon Capital (SNC) line in my Strawman portfolio ("Holdings"), (2) actually, that's it. The default option is pre-chosen as "Buy" and the Limit Price says "Min price per share" instead of "Max".

I punched in the Volume and nothing changed. The workaround is that if you click on "Sell" and then back on "Buy" then it fixes itself by changing "Min" to "Max", but otherwise it stays as "Min". I've just re-created this error a number of times.

Now I know that all has zero effect on the actual trade or how the trade is executed, coz whatever limit price you put through on a buy trade is ALWAYS going to be the "max" price you pay, regardless of the data label on the input screen. However it is the wrong label for that box when the details are being entered, and is therefore misleading for newbies.

It seems that it stems from "Buy" being the default action - but "sell" being the default action in terms of the "Limit Price". Once the user clicks on either "Buy" or "Sell" it is no longer an issue because the wording under "Limit Price" becomes correct, however if the user wishes to lodge a Buy order and "Buy" is already displayed as the default option so they skip past that step, then that's where the problem lies.


2 years ago

how odd @Bear77

I cant seem to replicate, but don't doubt for a second that this is happening. Let me shoot it through to the team and we'll see what we can do.

As you say, the trade itself will work fine, but we really should make sure the text is being displayed correctly.

If anyone else is experiencing the same thing, drop me a DM.


2 years ago

I reckon I've sussed it out properly now Andrew. The issue occurs when you've just placed a SELL trade, and THEN you click on the plus sign to place another trade, and the wording in the "Limit Price" box is the same as it was when you placed the sell, i.e. "Min Price". If you haven't just (immediately before) placed a SELL trade, then the wording will be correct (i.e. default is "BUY" and default wording for Limit Price is "Max Price") but try placing a sell first and then see what happens.

Additional: 12-Aug-2022: So what I mean is - if you place (lodge) a sell trade and then go to place a subsequent buy trade here by pressing the plus sign/icon beside the company (stock) name in your Strawman portfolio, the default action is always "Buy", and you want to place a "Buy" trade, so you skip past that to the price, and that's where it says "Min Price", same as when you placed that "Sell" trade before. So the first trade - the Sell trade - changes the wording in the "limit price" field from "Max Price" to "Min Price" when you choose "Sell" (which is correct, i.e. how it's supposed to work) but then it stays that way - so it still says "Min Price" when you go to place the subsequent buy trade (the next trade). Does that make sense? It should revert back to the default "Max Price" to match the default "Buy" option that is displayed, but it doesn't. It stays as "Min Price" even though the default action changes back to "Buy". You can recreate this error by simply placing a sell trade and then attempting to place a buy trade straight after the sell trade. You'll then see "Min Price" displayed as the (wrong) prompt for the limit price for that buy trade.