Forum Topics BTI BTI SiteMinder IPO
one year ago

Siteminder (SDR) below $2.60. This will have an impact on the next NTA release by BTI. It’s likely the recent sale benefit from the InstaScripts sale will be negated by the fall in SDR. No news out from SDR so it’s possible it’s related to the general market trend of how unprofitable companies are being seen in the present environment.


one year ago

itchy trigger fingers....

SDR is about 20% of Bailador NTA,

No news from SDR since the last Q3 announcement that talks about a strong forward bookings for northern hemisphere

Paul Wilson Director Buy of bailador

David Kirk $250k buy of bailador

SDR "tax loss selling" down 3.21 at 16 June now 2.59 which is close to 20% fall.


one year ago

Looks like time to top up on both....


one year ago

I did @Jimmy @NewbieHK and then just to ease my anxiety, Director buy announcement hits at 3:36pm with Leslie Szekely picking up a nice little parcel worth $300k..... unless ive read that wrong


3 years ago

I applied Sunday (31/10/21) and was informed that offer had closed

Very unusual,in that offer period was so short, info received Friday October 29.

Not a good experience.


3 years ago

I put my application in on Monday and received a confirmation and payment acceptance yesterday. So hopefully get an allocation. (I only applied for the minimum). Weird that you got the closed notification @Xorbia.

One thing of note that I didn't quite understand was on my Automic registry it was showing an allocation value assigned in my holdings prior to my application. That was sitting at 3,601. Would this of been the scaled back allocation on a full subscription? Logging in again it appears that at this point in time I have made the cut.



3 years ago


Dont like our chances as the way Im reading this is I applied for 9881 and will get 99. Not sure why Cut/Paste format did not work.

SDRSiteMinder Limited

  • payments
  • my details

SDRBTIWKBTI Record date register 21.10.2021 40,000

transactionsSDRIPOBAIPO 2021 Application- BTI Priority Offer 99

transactionsSDRIPOBPIPO 2021 Payment - BTI Priority Offer 9,782 transactions


3 years ago

Yep you look to be right @afrowest. I didn't go and open all the transactions.



3 years ago

I am awaiting my allocation as well, Bradbury. My more recent experiences with Automic have suggested that their registry service for IPOs is a little patchy, eg, the LIS IPO out of PPK.


3 years ago

There were 170 institutions dialling into the presentation I watched.

This thing is hotter than a buccaneer's pistol.


3 years ago

Similar here. Applied for the notional limit of 10k as soon as it opened, funds accepted, but have since had my "Priority Offer" holding reset to zero.

At least there is still exposure via the BTI holding.


3 years ago

I just re-listened to the equity mates podcast with Paul Wilson. I have been convinced by following some good interviews and by reading some great straws to take a small position in BTI IRL and Strawman portfolios. I particularly like instant script - a company solving a problem I am all too familiar with. I also have very little exposure to travel in my portfolio. I like what Paul Wilson said about Site Minder- it’s a business that even in the worst case has weathered the storm pretty well. Smart people looking for excellent business startups with a good track record.


3 years ago

My personal view, the Siteminder IPO offering to BTI shareholders was a token gesture that's why the window was so small. There was never going to be a lot of stock to go around, and that can be seen by the allocations granted, and I assume if the allocation is pro rated the big end of town got the bulk of the allocation, however would have been nice if us retailers could have been allocated a minimum as opposed to what I can see a lot of Zero allocations.


3 years ago

Thanks @Snakey01 just rechecked Automic and I applied for 9881 and on 01/11 had been allocated 99 and now scaleback indicates 1235 which is 1/8 as you mentioned

3 years ago

Hi @feteguru

I thought I would start a thread based on your straw as I would also be interested to hear any other members perspectives. I received my offer documentation email through BTI today so planning on diving into that this weekend as I am trying to decide if I have enough exposure already through my BTI ownership. I have also never participated in an IPO so that's another minor factor that is drawing my interest.