Forum Topics Baby Giants Podcast
3 years ago

Apologies if you've seen this already.

Baby Giants Episode #14.

Pro Medicus (ASX:PME) - The story of a baby to software giant.

Just listened to an interesting conversation between our Andrew, Matt Joass and Claude Walker.

Have held PME in RL nearly as long as Claude and Andrew but not on SM


3 years ago

I thought this was another great Baby Giants podcast. $PME has been on my watchlst a while now, and I felt that the pod really probed the key considerations on whether $PME can be a buy at the moment.

I add to this recent research by Goldman Sachs ("Solid update but further contract momentum required to drive valuation support; Sell"), who have identified a diminishing number of big accounts to be won, coupled with the relative lack of recent material deal newsflow, in concluding that valuation risk is skewed to downside. (Contrast this with the $2bn global TAM discussed on the pod).

Like many, I rue not having taken the plunge when the SP hit $15 early on in COVID. There's no denying the quality of earnings and the market leading position. But with current formard p/e of 50, there is too much downside even from today's depressed prices should it disappoint on top line growth.

It stays on my watchlist in the hope that if tech undergoes a further major correction due to Fed tightening following another high inflation report, then I have the capital to invest.

DISC: Not held.

3 years ago

Strawman and Matt Joass chat small caps with the assistance of Kevin Fung

Redbubble and AVA risk are the topics in episode 1

wherever you get you podcasts from

and Andrew, why aren’t you touting this?!


3 years ago

Did he really think he could hide from us?



3 years ago

First episode nerves :)


3 years ago

Hi Strawman,

Off to an interesting start. Was fun and a few good laughs in there. Well you piqued my interest around AVA risk group. Does really sound pretty cheap and well worth a look. You guys will find your groove. Great first episode.


3 years ago

But it was good! Apart from the 'Today Tonight' level segue attempt - risk .. oh lets talk about AVA risk ;)


3 years ago

Episode 3 of the Baby Giants podcast has come out featuring Pushpay (PPH) and Cluey (CLU). This podcast has quickly become a staple of the weekly rotation. I like the fact they just focus on a couple of companies each episode, which means they really get to discuss them at some depth.

The segways between the companies could use a bit of work... ;)



3 years ago

Yes, have been enjoying it so far and the focus on only a couple of companies.

Waiting for our entrepid Strawman to talk his own book and cover Catapult and Envirosuite!


3 years ago

ha, thanks guys.

Have actively avoided both EVS and CAT for the pod for fear of being seen as a pumper! However, if and when we do talk about them, you can be sure the other guys will have lots of cold water to throw over these ideas :)


3 years ago

Agreed @Noddy74. I too am enjoying the episodes, always great discussion and thoughtful analysis.

Mind you, it is only a matter of time until someone sends CAT in to Ausbiz and asks specifically for Andrew Page's assessment of the company (again)....