Forum Topics GDA confusion
3 years ago

I thought I had a sell order in for half my holding at 0.094 previously but today I have a 10:1 consolidation (approved at the AGM) and then the lot were sold at 0.90

Anyone explain what happened?

I have looked at my closed positions, trades and notifications and can't work it out.

Normal trading of the consolidated shares happens on the 2/12 so will they reappear?


3 years ago

HI Laoshi

You haven't sold your shares, the closing price on the day was 90cps.

Your shares are, until the 2/12, now trading as GDADA ~ Good Drinks Australia Def Set (which means deferred settlement)

So if you had 1000 shares in GDA prior , you will now have 100 shares in GDADA and when the deferred settlement is finished and the reverts back on 2/12 you will have 100 shares in GDA

I hope this helps,

Happy Investing



3 years ago

Thanks for the prompt explanation mmff.


3 years ago

Now the 3rd and no GDA shares in my SM portfolio.

Not a big issue but it appears the consolidation forced the sale of my shares in SM