Forum Topics Beware/embrace the metaverse
3 years ago

Agreed, it is the Virtual reality and augmented reality technology we should be concentrating on rather than the facebook metaverse. The new VR/AR tech is the next step up from video and becomes 'immersive' where the user can drive the experience and become part of the story for themselves.

Just wanted to add a few other real world uses for 3D tech:

  • Training - especially in highly complex, dangerous or relatively inaccessible locations. Pilot training, operation of cranes, defense force training comes to mind.
  • Counselling remotely - (especially for those stuck at home with anxiety/depression) are being made more effective through the use of an avatar - it is said patients are more engaged and more willing to talk in the 3D environment rather than over zoom or skype.
  • Education - It has always been the case that children learn more from 'doing it' than 'reading about it'. In a 3D world, they can explore the Great Barrier Reef or City of Pompeii and interact with local citizens (human or animal)
  • Design & customisation - as previously discussed.

There is huge potential and application for VR outside of the gaming/social/entertainment context.


3 years ago

I agree. VR/AR has been a long promised technology, but I think it's time has finally arrived.

It's hard to appreciate until you've experienced it. Even a basic Oculus headset ($<500) provides an incredibly rich and immersive experience. As headsets become cheaper and more accessible, there'll be more apps developed, which will stimulate more demand and improvements in headsets and so on and so forth.

There's a potent feedback effect you see with most technology. Chris Dixon tweeted about this recently (in regard to blockchain tech, but it applies almost everywhere in computing)


Definitely doesn't mean you invest in any company that touts this kind of tech (i'm sure a majority will prove poor investments), but it's definitely an area to watch.


3 years ago

Is there an ETF for VR/AR companies?


3 years ago


hahahah ...there will be soon. The marketing peeps at Blackrock and Betashares will pump one out soon enough....


3 years ago

Ha ha you know it’s coming! I have fallen down a rabbit hole. I want to look more closely at VR1.

I have been in over drive trying to understand Web 3.0. Each article and podcast is leading me to be more and more convinced that the Etherium blockchain on which it is built is where I will hitch my wagon…..until next week when I am distracted by some better argument/shinier object.

I love the analogy of Torrents it helped me to get my millennial brain around the crazy. I will not confess to using said system in the early 2000 but I see Web 3.0 as a bigger more comprehensive version. No one owns the platform…..the big 5 lose their iron grip on the internet. A decentralized network of computers all agree to trust each other as there is an unalterable ledger to pinpoint where your info is coming from.

From here all content you post or virtual worlds you build or articles or memes etc you write are stamped and come from you. Each time this is added to or content is shared you acquire “tokens” / whatever crypto. A decentralized economy is born where the individual community members get due credit and reward - ahh the Utopian dream!

Now a second analogy - Andrew are you obsessed with Web 3.0? Strawman has essentially this philosophy. You pay “tokens / fee” to enter once in the space you contribute and you are rewarded with tokens. Ultimately I think Strawman community would make a great DOA. Perhaps we can pool our tokens and buy something iconic and truly important to the Australian landscape (the American DOAs - can have their copy of the constitution) we should gun for the Milton XXXX factory what could be more patriotic than that!

PS of course BEta shares will have metaverse ETF. I give it 6/12.