Forum Topics What would you buy after a sell off

Ones I know the value of accurately. The problem is that I don't know the value of enough companies accurately yet!

3 years ago

What companies stock would you buy in a sell off, and why ?

Id love to load up on PME, REA, TNE & GMG. In my opinion these are among the highest quality companies on the ASX and the market knows it, and therefore never trade at a reasonable price.


3 years ago

You may have seen me doing some valuations on a few companies on Strawman recently which are on my watchlist for sure if there was a sell off.

I'd add OCL, XRO to your above list. Hoping there is a bit of further correction so that there are some buying opportunities.


3 years ago

I also like REA, OCL.

CSL, MQG if it comes down enough.


3 years ago

Good question. And some great answers straw-people! But why stop at the question.

Politely, and in good jest (and a bit serious) - put your money where you mouth is - log into your broker, and place limit orders ready to go at a price you're willing to buy. The *dip* will either trigger it, or not. And once in play, you'll treat the action more seriously! (you can always adjust - changing one's mind is ok!)

Beat your own brain/emotion at its own game. So many times I've told myself "I'll buy on a dip" and then the dip *happens* and I justify to myself not buying for some reason, only to watch a great company rise on to further greatness.

It took time, but I beat that internal brain most recently with ASX:PME... topped up on its dip.