Forum Topics Love him or hate him: Elon Musks contribution
3 years ago

Link below to Elon’s Wall Street Journal interview.

It is hard to deny what a profound impact one man’s vision has on shaping the future of humanity.

In this interview Elon channels Hans Roslings viewpoint and laments that the biggest risk to humanity is the declining birth rate and decreasing population. He goes so far as to say that there just will not be enough humans in the future and society will crumble. This helps me to understand his motivation a little more and why there is such a push into robotics - he fears labor shortages….. interesting. So rather than creating labor shortages he is trying to plug the gap he sees coming down the pipeline.

Neural link update is impressive - he seems very confident about restoring movement to para and quadriplegics.

Interesting perspective that he doesn’t believe the US government should pass the infrastructure bill that would help subsidize charging stations across the US. He sees this as wasteful and unnecessary and challenges them not to subsidize any company in the energy space including oil and gas (I quietly loved this comment).

He is cautious with his words around China- he doesn’t condone actions but clearly wants to maintain a working relationship- Elon diplomacy at its finest:)

He speaks about Tesla at its core as being a robotics company. His goal of moving his Robotics into the humanoid space was also interesting.

In a recent Rask podcast Airniban mentioned that he viewed buying Tesla like being an EV and robotics ETF in one ( I am paraphrasing). I am starting to agree with this perspective.

It is hard to imagine any EV company catching Tesla in the near future. With the company already contributing 2/3rds of EVs on the roads in the US - there is a big gap to fill.

I am interested to hear others thoughts on Tesla, robotic, EV plays…..or general musings on how these future thematics may be influencing your investment choices.


3 years ago

Hi @Kaboom

Some very good points!

I wonder if it is as simple as backing the winner that is continuing to win? Musk has a proven record of pivoting successfully. He has a proven record generally. Couldn't it be the case that as all the auto players pivot to EV, Telsa will be commerically on EV2.0 or AV1.0, ie always one step ahead as first mover? They don't need to retain 2/3 market share to be profitable.

I agree that telsa is most definitely not the only, nor the best way to play the EV/AV future. It may have a place in a portfolio?

I think the biggest risk to EV/robotics/AV/AI plays is being too early. There in a wall of change coming and some of it is already here, and some of it is inevitable, but society doesn't accept or recognise it yet - but who will be the market leaders 10 years from now? Hard to say. What to buy now to 10x or 100x, probably an index ETF....

Disc [context]. I don't own telsa shares. And I watch Musk with fascination.