Forum Topics Advice for a future you.
3 years ago

  1. Educate yourself earlier
  2. 'De-risk' your portfolio in the early stages of your investing journey so you don't get intimidated by large red days
  3. Start earlier
  4. Continue to educate yourself.

3 years ago

Great post - I’d tell myself to prioritise quality and that valuation is important but secondary rather than the other way around. Also to not buy anything unless i’ve got high conviction in it - this allows me to keep holding through periods of volatility.


Hi summer12

i could have a lot of fun with this.

Firstly id say buy quality when it is on sale and be patient. of course what is quality and when is it on sale is open to debate.

secondly i say identify and stay away from incompetents and tricky people (of which there are many in Finance). the first never makes $ for you, and the other takes your $ away from you.

lol-ive seen them all

3 years ago

As my daughters embark on a journey into adulthood it got me thinking.

If you could go back to the start of your investing journey, what piece(s) of advice would you give to a younger you?

  • Be patient, Don't Interrupt compounding and accept you will make mistakes.


3 years ago

Great topic Summer.

Invest in what you're interested in.

Too often when I started out investing I was listening to the big fund managers or reading about some hot stock on other pages. Inevitably I ended up with sub par returns and would panic if the share price fell but feel like a genius if the share price rose...... I've found over the last 36 months investing in what I'm interested in has helped me stay engaged with the company and has significantly improved my returns. It has also helped me understand why a share price might be moving one way or another so I can hold through the tough times and anticipate when things might turn.

The more I invested in companies that interested me, the broader my interests grew. I guess I developed a passion for investing in general thanks to starting out investing in my interests. I'm pretty willing to learn about anything these days so I have to be much more focused on filtering my top 15-20 ideas, not the worst problem to have.