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4 months ago

I came across the following last night: Buy-Side vs. Sell-Side Analysts: What’s the Difference? (

I thought I knew the difference but thought I'd check it out to make sure. In essence sell-side analysts tend to work for brokers and their research tends to have more depth to it - they dig deeper - and they can conclude that a company is a strong buy, a strong sell, or anything in between, however there is clearly sometimes pressure from their employer to lean one way or the other - usually towards the "BUY" side, because it's work from these companies that ultimately pays these analysts' salaries.

And buy-side analysts tend to work for funds, where they are trying to put together buy recommendations for their own fund, which of course also involves identifying what NOT to buy, so there is a lot of crossover between the two roles, and buy-side analysts rely in no small part on the research produced by the sell-side analysts at broking firms. The link above gets into a fair bit more detail about the differences between the roles, however, if you're reading a research report or update from a broking firm, that's from a sell-side analyst, but the word "sell" in their job title in no way influences their decision making or makes them more likely to put a "sell" recommendation on a company. If anything, the fact that sell-side analysts are employed by brokers, who do not like to upset potential clients (companies), means there is going to often be some pressure from their own employers to paint companies in a more favourable light. Interesting.

For some great insights into the various pressures that a very successful and legendary sell-side analyst was under throughout his career working for a range of broking houses, check this out (Johnny Mac):


Legendary Analyst John Macdonald on Spotting Company Lies & Calling It How It Is - YouTube

"We had the great privilege of sitting down with John Macdonald, a legendary mining analyst."

"In our conversation we delved into the conflicts of staying true to your views and not being swayed by outside pressures, the common tricks that companies get up to, how he spotted richly valued as well as promising businesses, what the real costs that investors should follow are and a whole heap more."

To skip the ads and go straight to the Johnny Mac interview - click here:

DISCLAIMER: All Money of Mine episodes are for informational purposes only and may contain forward-looking statements that may not eventuate. The co-hosts are not financial advisers and any views expressed are their opinion only. Please do your own research before making any investment decision or alternatively seek advice from a registered financial professional.

9 months ago

Hi all. This is my first forum post. I was keen to understand what services people use to get their financial data such as balance sheets, income statement, cash flow statement.

Morningstar has these available as exportable excel sheets which is nice to be able to dig a bit deeper. I like the idea or having full financials as opposed to just a summary of the financial statements.

Keen to understand what other services or tools other people use when doing your valuations?



9 months ago

Welcome @McLovin

There's a thread here in which some software and subs are discussed.

Personally, I usually just download the financials from the ASX website. It can be a hassle inputing data manually, but you know it's correct.

I sometimes use CapIQ but you have to be careful that the data is accurate.


9 months ago

Hi @McLovin, for the companies I follow closely, I also put the numbers in manually from the ASX reports. Even though it takes a few minutes, it means I really digest the details of what’s going on across the P&L, Balance Sheet and Cash Flows. I’m data-driven and so for me it’s not wasted manual labour but valuable study!

For quick scanning I use both paid (because it shows evolution over time of analyst consensus average, min and max numbers) and free (I like the historical p/e charts). For companies I am screening as opposed to modelling, they’re provide good summary numbers, including valuation multiples. Of the two, I probably use 80% of the time.


9 months ago

I used to use Cap IQ but Tikr does 99% of what I want and the data isn't really of a quality that justifies the price of Cap IQ. I have to chop and change most data anyway so going directly to the source (company's own financial statements) is what happens. I can't imagine anyone really needing much more than what Tikr provides to get an overview. The reality is that the best opportunities require manual work. And I can't remember the last time I discovered something through using stock screeners etc. It's more important to build a big funnel of potential ideas through things like this forum and then learn how to sort the wheat from the chaff.

It feels like if ASIC or the ASX pulled their finger out and just required companies to lodge electronic versions out of SAP or whatever they use and then let people access the data through a database query and download it. Sadly, the ASX struggled to upgrade its website so I'm not holding out much hope.


9 months ago

I agree with some other posters that nothing beats the ASX announcements and manually transcribing figures from company announcements. It's definitely not wasted time in my view. I do use other platforms for different purposes but the only one I pay for is TIKR, chiefly for transcripts but it does all the metrics/consensus targets etc.

The one gap I have is none of the platforms I use show historical shares on issue (or else I'm having a 'boy look'). As someone who appreciates companies who go to lengths not to dilute, it's something I'd be keen to see. What do people use to track this?


9 months ago

I think your only chance is to track back through the annual reports - helpfully the equity note should show you what's been issued over this year and a comparative for prior year, so if you pick up each second year, you can get the info pretty quickly.

Good example below from Johns Lyng's 2023 annual report:



9 months ago

Tikr has SoI in the income statement.


9 months ago

Commsec shows UP TO NINE years of SoI (Shares on Issue) under the "Financials" tab for each company:


Only 6 years for JLG because that's how long they've been listed. Below is CSL, with 9 years of SoI and other data, and the graphs at the top (Earnings and RoE) go out to 10 years.



9 months ago

MarketScreener.Com shows SOI last 5 years,… but your view is 4 years at a time.

One of several finances screens shown below. SOI 3rd line from bottom.


9 months ago

Found this excerpt from Peter Bevelin's book Seeking Wisdom interesting.


If you're playing the game repeatedly do you choose game 1 or 2?

Which game do you choose if you can only play once?

*Hint it's in the section titled Variability.


9 months ago

ooh, i like this @CanadianAussie

If I get to keep playing -- It shouldn't make any difference, right? The expected value is the same.

If I only get to play one, I'd definitely go for game 1 as I'd be guaranteed of winning something. Indeed, I have a 2/3 chance of doing better than playing game 2 just once.

Having said all of that, my gut tells me there's some very non-intuitive answer here..


9 months ago

Only 1 game - Game 1.

Question 1, it doesn't matter unless you are seeking a specific outcome like "I want to end up 300 ahead." In which case, I think ?you'd be better to play game 2.


9 months ago

@Strawman Yes, according to the author if you get to keep playing it shouldn't make a difference as the expected outcomes are identical.

I like your thought process for only playing once as you seem to have thought about it more deeply than the author. He states game one as well but because there is less variance.


9 months ago

It gets more interesting to me when the average outcome on game 2 is actually something like 121-130. It's the scenario we're offered in investing really - high risk companies might have a much higher than average EV, but the variance can also be huge! Quite interesting thinking about that with regards to portfolio allocation too and in the value of money returns to you.

For an extreme example, earning $50k in investments is more valuable to most people than a 51% chance of earning $100k.


9 months ago

I've only given this a few minutes thought, however, I think there is no "right answer". I think it is a great illustration of risk appetite.

How willing are you to lose everything for a 1/3rd chance at the 100 payoff, versus, is a gain or loss of 10 even worth showing up for?

This subtext underlies a lot of our discussion on SM.


9 months ago

If you’re leaving your money invested with these potential returns, you have to choose game 1 because game 2 will soon take you to 0. “Double or nothing” doesn’t keep you in the game very long.

But, @Strawman, given your love of the lottery, I thought if you only played once you’d throw your spare change at game 2??


9 months ago

Ah, I think I read it differently in that the 0 outcome meant you didn't win anything, not that you lost everything. IE if I played Game 2 I either got nothing, $20 or $100.


9 months ago

I don’t get it. Do we play the games for free or else?


9 months ago

@CanadianAussie good game, Actually its a bit liek the Howard marks spread diagram in my preso, my 2c is that in the real world of investing getting those percentages vaguely correct is quite difficult and in a group decision, even more difficult. in other words, imo, as the variance expands i think the ability to accurately get the probabilities correct is just too hard. it moves from investing to speculating. therefore i want to take investing risk where the ability to accurately forecast is greater, imo. these theoretical games are too clean, but I want a tight variance, the tighter the better. i of course have stuffed that up as well.

as an aside, this proposition highlights why an investment team on the same wavelength is critical. if their assessment of the variability of outcomes is too inconsistent they will blow up. haha I've seen it too often.

hope the reasoning is not too contorted

one year ago

When Brett Blundy seeks partners in business he is looking for people who align with his “Principles of Ownership”. There are only eight of them. They are simple, sharp and sensible. I think we would do well to think the same way about ASX listed businesses we choose to partner with.

They are listed on the BBRC Worldwide website. I really want to meet Brett Blundy some day…just to learn more about smart business.

“Big businesses grow from small investments (like Lovisa), so our door is always open to a conversation. Our DNA is building big businesses. Along the way, we have learnt a few valuable lessons that we call our Principles of Ownership:

  • Return on Equity (ROE); the metric that matters most.
  • Debt; it is dangerous.
  • Say it Simply; Net Profit After Tax is the measure we prefer
  • Blow Budgets Up; BBRC does not need them or look at them.
  • Boards; Keep them lean and mean
  • Cash is King; Lazy Balance Sheets are not to be.
  • Share Options; Understand their true cost.
  • Mindset Matters; Executives should have an owner’s mentality.

BBRC Principles of Ownership have held true throughout our investing history since 1980. These principles allow for positive energy, with time spent focusing on making the businesses better. Reach out to us if you would like a personalised copy of them.”