Forum Topics MetaVerse
2 years ago

Not for everybody - however i found this article on how medical care is changing in the US with the use of VR and the Metaverse.

Disc Hold VR and Metaverse type companies.

2 years ago

For me personally, it matters not. I have decided to ignore the "MetaVerse", and so far I am not feeling any pangs of loss.

2 years ago

Just finished listening to Sunday's edition of The Moley Fool (TMF) podcast. I value everyone's thoughts and opinions on a range of topics, however i felt in the first 8 minutes of the podcast Scott demonstrated that he knew little on the subject of the Metaverse.

I hear and read regular media coverage on the Metaverse or has it has become known "Meta" I feel Scott for one needs to do a little more research on this and especially the difference between what Mark Zuckerberg and his team are attempting to achieve i.e. a closed Metaverse and what Yat Sui and Robby Yung and their team at Animoca Brands are trying to achieve an Open Metaverse.

I don't know what the future holds and its a real rabbit hole, but i too feel its to big to ignore.

Looking forward the podcast episode solely dedicated to the metaverse.

Full disclosure i hold Animoca Brands IRL and yes I am a bit of a Yat and Robby fan

2 years ago

McKinsey report June 2022. Metaverse potential "is too big to ignore" - $5 trillion in impact by 2030. But navigating that space is a case of "test, learn and adapt".

"The metaverse is still in a relatively nascent state with current adoption comparable to where artificial intelligence (AI) adoption was five years ago."


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2 years ago

@Kaboom Agreed. I was excited when I found this McKinsey report. I think people also get side-tracked with the celebrity CEO's jostling for positions within the metaverse and trying to claim the entire space as their own, when the metaverse is really a marketplace of many digital ideas.

McKinsey report categorically states:

  • The metaverse does not replace real life
  • There are NOT multiple metaverses (it is the end-state where all these visions of digital worlds is going to reside)
  • The metaverse is not AR/VR (they are interfaces through which we gain this new experience)
  • The metaverse is not (just) gaming
  • The metaverse is not Web3 (web1 defined as static internet; web 2 defined includes social media, web 3 is about decentralisation of data and interoperability.) "Web3, by definition, succeeds Web 2.0. The metaverse, by definition, succeeds our current computing and networking paradigm. The fact that they both succeed what we experience as the internet today naturally intertwines the two.”
  • The metaverse is not only for a small group of users (eg not just the ROBLOX community)

The report plots industries which are leading the investment into this new space. They see the biggest categories being 1) gaming 2) socialising 3) fitness 4) commerce 5) remote learning virtual classrooms


Interesting is this quote from CIO of Seoul's Smart City Police Dept


Looking ahead, executives consider Cryptocurrency, AI, AR/VR to be the top metaverse technologies.
