Forum Topics US Mega Caps - FANGAM Valuaitons
3 years ago

Aswath Damodaran has posted his recent valuations for Apple, Amazon, Meta, Netflix, Alphabet, Microsoft - Musings on Markets ( - for those interested


3 years ago

Thanks @Mujo

I really like his analysis of the 'big 6' and share most of the same views.

Microsoft - my pick of the bunch, albeit it currently appearing overpriced. Incredible pricing power and margins due to the resilience of Windows and Office 365. Both have extraordinary moats, particularly the former. I think the acquisition of Activision is one we will look back on in 10 years time as an absolute steal.

I hold a soft spot for both Google and Amazon - both incredible businesses that somehow continue to deliver fantastic growth.

I am a little bias against Apple due to their ecosystem but that too is a truly wonderful business.

Facebook and Netflix are both the ones I wouldn't touch. I have mentioned on here my concerns that Facebook is increasingly becoming stale and confused as a business. I think Aswath nails the bear case for Netflix - too much competition which will in turn impact pricing power. Not to mention slowing subscriber growth.