Forum Topics Direct Messaging is now LIVE!
3 years ago

We've just added Direct Messaging functionality to Strawman.

This is an opt-in feature, which means you need to turn it on before you can send or receive private messages from other members.

If you want to turn it on, go to the top right drop-down menu under "My Account"


Once you turn this on, others who have also opted in will be able to see a "direct message" button on your profile page:


(so if you don't see this for a particular member, it means that either your they have not turned on Direct Messaging).

Once you click this, you'll be taken to a new tab on their profile page where you can send private messages. The text editor works exactly the same way is it does for Straws & forum posts (so you can add images, share links and change formatting).

But to see a list of all previous private messages, just click on the direct messaging link on the top right drop-down menu.

We've also added a new option to your notifications setting where you can configure whether or not to receive system and email alerts:


If you spot any issues, or have any feedback, please be sure to let me know.


Hi Andrew,

I'm not getting notifications for when I receive direct messages. Where do I go to turn this on?



3 years ago

Not sure if you get a notification that you have been sent a message - you should, but not sure if you do - however if you click on "Direct Messages" in your "My Account" drop-down click-list/menu, you will get a list of anybody who has direct messaged you, as I just did. Of course, it would certainly be helpful to receive a notification in your feed to alert you to check your messages when a new one is sent to you, but I'm not sure if this is happening or not.


3 years ago

You certainly get notifications -- both in system and via email if you wish.

You can customise the types of notifications you get, and the way that you get them, by going to "all notifications & settings" which can be found under the notification icon (the bell) at the top right.
