Forum Topics Cogstate
2 years ago

has anyone found any news as to why this sell off might be happening? Down over 13% in one day!

ive been looking around for various news but found nothing so far. Half year report isnt until 28th. Market expects bad news at the last minute?

2 years ago

@TycoonTerry and @Chagsy thanks for the extra references in your straws about ARIA and lecanemab. It makes sense that if the drug is designed to clear some unwanted stuff out of your brain then there's likely to be some side-effects, like thinning of the blood vessel walls.

Alzheimer's sure is a nasty beast. It gives me an ethical tickle to hold shares in Cogstate. (Of course, I also think it will make a lot of money.)


2 years ago

Also wanted to throw in a big thanks to @Chagsy for the really in depth straw. Super helpful.

2 years ago

Here's another discussion on the Aducanumab "hubbub": Episode 835 of the Skeptics Guide to the Universe. (The discussion begins at 10mins 50secs.)

This is from a little while ago as I'm well behind in my podcast listening, but the host of the show (who's a neurologist) is pretty critical of the FDA.

As an aside: the Skeptics Guide to the Universe is an excellent podcast about science and skepticism, and I think a lot of their points are equally valid when applied to investing. If you're looking for another podcast to listen to then I strongly recommend this one. Is anyone else a fan of the show?

3 years ago

That Ian Cassell is a shareholder in an ASX company is interesting enough but the fact it is Cogstate above the many other candidates is more than interesting.

WRT, the simplicity of the test, it is my understanding that although the test is simple enough it's the fact that it has been used so many times over many years now in tests, academic papers and trials that it is fast becoming accepted as the standard test and that subsequent drug trials will more than likely use the same test so that they compare apples with apples when presenting their data for review as opposed to a using a completely different test.

I Hold on SM and in RL