Forum Topics Portfolio Rank
3 years ago

Love this addition! Its pretty cool to see what can be achieved without adding any regular capital (apart from dividends) like most people would in real life through portioning a part of their wage to investments every month. Some truly amazing achievements there.

3 years ago

A little while back a few members suggested it would be cool to be able to rank members according to the dollar value of their Strawman portfolios. If for no other reason than to see who will be the first to reach the $1 million mark!

So happy to report you can now do that. Just go to the members page and select "Portfolio Value' on the sort drop down menu.

(i understand this places longer serving members at an advantage, but this ranking doesn't influence the Community or Award ranking, and of course we still have the usual trailing return leaderboards. It's just another way to look at things and hopefully give us all something to shoot at)

I'm in at #11 but have a long way to go to catch some of the high flyers.



3 years ago

I'll second that. And also to @Wini and @Quiltman to round out the top 3.

It's worth mentioning too, that these gains have been scored with diversified portfolios. So they're not the result of one or two stocks doing all the heavy lifting; it's taken a mix of a good strike rate, sensible position sizing and sound profit/loss management.

Impressive stuff.