Forum Topics GMG > Goodman Group (Technically speaking Buy target coming up soon)
3 years ago

Commsec ASX 1H 21 Results looks healthy. Below is a chart of my notes. . I plan to enter here. New to Starw Man and new reading fundamentals of companies so would love to here thought & comments. Goodman has a large holding of premium Industrial properties it leases out. When I drive out West here in Sydney I see many large sstate signes on the front of huge new factory storge warehouse complexes everywhere, right beside main highways leading to the city. I Have reasearched, its much the same for other states. The price is down since christmas as is the whole mark except not the the same degree as Tech stocks (Growth stocks) as the company is a far more proven one. As always it could go further down, however I will look for evidence in the price movements around there and place a protective stop a % below. Look forward to learning from the community here & hope you dont mind some stupid questions along the way.

Commsec 31-December-2021-Half-Year-Results.pdf

Also @Strawman , the link button isnt working beside to insert Image Icon when making a new post
