Forum Topics Supply chains
3 years ago

Supply chain disruptions are hitting all sectors of the market. Commodity prices are spiking, magnified by the Russian conflict. Most companies which are affected by supply chains and input costs have been hit hard. My questions to the strawpeople:-

  1. What is your opinion on how long these issues will persist?
  2. If you think this wont last forever, then is investing in some of these companies currently being impacted worthwhile?
  3. Which companies have a good chance of strong re-bound once these issues subside?

My thoughts:-

  1. I work in the construction industry and seen first hand the impacts of supply chain for material delays etc. In the last month or so, this has started to ease somewhat. I would attribute this to factories opening up overseas as covid impacts are reduced. While shipping costs remain high, the lead times i was seeing late last year were much longer than the last couple of months. Im optimistic by the end of the year supply chain pressures will have eased.
  2. As above, I don't think this will last forever. I believe companies with strong market positions but are impacted in the short term are presenting a good buying opportunity.
  3. My favorite pick for a rebound is Audinate.