Forum Topics Founder Led
11 months ago

Not sure if people still use this but I added Simble Solutions ASX SIS.


11 months ago

This is a good thread to revive @CanadianAussie


11 months ago

Vitura Health (ASX:VIT) might well fit the bill here - but just to prove that 'founder led' is not without its complications, one should witness the disgraceful 'two bulls at each other' performance leading up to the 2023 AGM in late November - a stoush which goes back some 18 months when a major holder/director is sacked for - quote - “repeated pattern of inappropriate behaviour, lack of judgment and poor performance”. Then there is an apparent 'love in" per announcement in November 2022 when warring parties reached a - quote - ‘positive resolution…enabling the Board and Management to focus on executing the company’s strategic objectives."

Not so - the bulls and their backers are back again with a section 249N notice to appoint their own and obviously get rid of the incumbents. One can only wonder at the dereliction of managerial duty this causes.

Throw in the fact that the Chair has resigned after a year to 'pusue personal interests' - ditto excuse of the previous Chair.

Said recent resigning Chair didn't buy one share, nor has her acting successor, who has been a director for some time - one would think if they saw an opportunity they might open their purse strings, but no.

Pity, if one just looks at the company accounts and the growth pattern, this one does excite - but, hey ho, as the Buffett-meister might say 'bad management will ruin a good company"

This is a stand aside for me until the clouds of doubt blow away. Doubtful, but maybe they should all take a swig, puff, sniff and snort of their own product and chill!.


I've added

QFE - Quickfee. Bruce Coombes has stepped down as CEO but his Linkedin still lists him as a Managing Director

NVX - Novonix. Dr Chris Burns founded the Battery Testing division and Gregory Baynton (who has stepped down) the Anode Materials division

OLL - Open Learning. Adam Brimo (CEO), Richard Buckland and David Collien (CTO)

FLX - Felix Group. Mike Davis (CEO) and Michael Trusler (NED)

2 years ago

Added a couple @Strawman REH (Reece) family led (Wilson family) and DGL (Simon Henry)- Both held in Real Life portfolio DGL in Strawman

2 years ago

I think this is a great initiative.

Adding this as an embedded feature on the platform will take a bit of thinking and work, but in the meantime I've created a shared spreadsheet.

So far, I've just copied the info from this thread (just using the information provided), but please add to this as you see fit


2 years ago

Maybe an extra field at the top of each company that anybody can populate .... along with a field that we could populate company descriptions copied from ASX listing.


2 years ago

Thanks @Strawman , have added Beacon Lighting (Glen and Ian Robinson), Globe (brothers Stephen, Peter and Matt Hill) and XRef (Lee-Martin Seymour) to the spreadsheet.


Cheers - I’ve updated the entries from my post in the spreadsheet to include founder names.


2 years ago

Added to the sheet:


News Corp





ADS - Ben Dixon and Andrew Barlow

LVT - Karl Redenbach & Peter Nguyen-Brown

SKF - Wayne Arthur

WHK - Teresa Roberts

Should give a nice bump to the thread.


Added a few more to the list:

PIQ Dr Richard Lipscombe & Dr Bill Parker (deceased)

LPE Damien Glanville & Justin Pettett

DVL Dr Andrew Ronchi

LME Henry Albrecht

WSP Jeromy Wells

IMR Steve Wedan

TLX Dr Christian Behrenbruch

NOR Paul Ostergaard

MDR Joshua Swinnerton

9SP Adrian Grant

IHR Robert Bromage

IME Dr German Arango & Jorge Marin & Andres Vanegas & Alexander Sanz

OVN Christopher Hart

AFG Malcolm Watkins

S66 JinXing Zhang

VRS Adam Lamond

That gives us a modest list of nearly 100 founder led companies; good work everyone. It could be worthwhile to add a column for % ownership by each founder and possibly what funds own each if people find that useful?


2 years ago

Stealth, SGI, Mike Arnold, I've added to online spreadsheet