Forum Topics Uranium As An Investment
2 years ago

A good article from Barry Fitzgerald on LiveWire yesterday:

"There’s growing talk that power utilities are about to sign a rash of non-Russian supply contracts, with the likes of Boss poised to benefit."

"nuclear power’s critical status is growing by the day.

And that’s going to be good for the uranium price. The world is already consuming more than it produces, stockpiles are becoming thinner by the day and Former Soviet Union supplies could become verboten for decades to come.

Against that backdrop the relative outperformance of the leading uranium developers on the ASX, Boss Energy (BOE) and Paladin (PDN) is understandable."

"And because history shows that when the world’s nuclear power utilities seek out to secure future supplies, they do it en masse, with a potentially explosive impact on uranium prices to the upside. Industry feedback is that a contract-writing rush is just around the corner."

2 years ago

Has the face of uranium supply/demand changed since this first post was created?

Uranium players are claiming a supply deficit. New projects coming on.

Following couple of slides pinched from AEE presentation this morning.

