Forum Topics Simply wall st
2 years ago

Thanks everyone for your help .@Maaxweell I had a look at market index ,looks good plenty of info there .and seems fairly easy to navigate as a mobile site also .

2 years ago

SimplyWall Street has some great graphics and some better information dealing with management - but - their valuations are often wacko - occasionally ridiculous. I've suggested to them that they should use a filter when they are so far out of kilter with the market, but the AI robot ignores me. Maybe the robot world hasn't heard of GIGO. Certainly they don't seem to set a discount rate to reflect risk.

Take Adairs (ADH) - SWS values them at a ridiculous $9.05 No less than 9 brokers have them at an average of $4.22 (ranging from $3.30 which is Jo Little from Morgans to $5.20)

This isn't an isolated case.

2 years ago

Do many here use simply wall St for a insights into asx listed companies in particular the small cap end of the market..Im just curious of peoples experiences and how accurate they find the data .

I wouldn't base my decisions soley from such a site of course, i just thought it could be a handy tool to sift through information I work in mining/construction on 3wk swings 12hrdays often with little internet connection so you could say fairly time poor .

I would appreciate suggestions of an alternative site if any one can steer me in a better direction


2 years ago

I use the screener tool in Simply Wall Street to narrow down businesses I might be interested in based on certain fundamentals. I think this saves a lot of time initially. I also use SWS to have a quick scan of a business recommended by others before delving any deeper.

Then I do the hard yards of reading the ASX announcements to understand more about the past performance and future prospects of the business. I find SWS data to be reasonably up to date, but it does lag the ASX announcements. I don’t take much notice of the SWS DCF valuations, they seem to be all over the place and I take the analysts forecasts ‘with a grain of salt’!

I like the graphics as a quick overview for a business, particularly for margins, revenue, earnings and free cash flow. SWS also provides a good snapshot of past ROE, ROA and ROIC and forecast ROE based on analyst expectations.

It provides a good summary of ownership and insider activity, although insider activity lags the ASX announcements.

The dividend graphic shows historical divs and expected future dividend yields based on forecasts and payout ratios.

I also search the internet, Strawman and The Motley Fool, for any news, information or opinions about the business. I also subscribe to Investsmart but do my own research on their buy ideas. Unity Group was an InvestSmart/intelligent investor BUY recommendation which fitted my criteria and played out well. I also like listening to ‘The Call’. The find the way different people analyse and value a business fascinating and have learnt a lot from it.




2 years ago

Another bit of analysis I do is checking directors transactions. While there could be a perfectly reasonable explanation, it is worth thinking about. This is also available on Market Index:

Another I regularly check is for short positions. Note the info is from ASIC and 4 days delayed, however, I doubt that matters much for most of our decisions unless something is really going askew: