Forum Topics Hot Copper
2 years ago

To the moon **Rocket Emoji, Rocket Emoji, Rocket Emoji is one of my favourites.

2 years ago

Further to @slymeat 's comments in regards to Hot Copper - this article from the Aussie Investors site is a must read:

How to speak HotCopper - a dictionary of terms | Aussie Investors Blog (

I've got similar views to Slymeat in regards to the value of Hot Copper, although there is the odd post that you occasionally get some decent analysis from. Unfortunately to find them you have to wade through a whole load of crap that is basically just share price commentary/ramping - a sample of "dollar club" threads is shown below:



2 years ago

HC speak should be second to HC etiquette. Namely thou shall not say anything negative, dissenting, or otherwise non-rosy coloured outlooks on a stock.

Inherently everyone is a downramper if negative, but the same could be said about 'upramping'. I don't think it used to be that bad, but usually all you hear if dissenting is the voices of believers claiming the 'naysayers are back out of the woodwork' and to 'block the downrampers'. It gets quite tiring, and to be honest it's great when there's the odd few who take on board any negative comments at face value, than down playing them.

If things go completely south this is unfortunately a case where reflection is usually too late. And anyone coming back is a 'i told you so' flog with no compassion for those who lost their life savings. It's really a lose-lose game for anyone who is open to opinions and not just positive thoughts. Funnily though i do recognise a few odd HC names on here - not implying they're in the above group or not :)


2 years ago

Glaring HC Bingo omissions:

- wen Lambo? (My personal favorite)

-Dog stock


2 years ago

Hey @slymeat , in the words of Homer Simpson "it's funny cos it's true...".

I'm surprised they didn't add In My Honest Opinion (IMHO) to the list. The description for which would be something along the lines of "an attempt to convince the reader that the writer is not being deliberately deceptive but is merely genuinely incompetent".

No , I hadn't seen thestockexchange website before so thanks for that - another bloody one to monitor! Although at this stage my holdings don't really get much discussion on that forum. There's plenty of Brainchip chat though! IMHO...


2 years ago

As much as hotcopper has i feel devolved over the last few years as we get an exodus of 'new' investors - i.e. those brought up in the last few years of ultra accommodating monetary policy and stimulus, this pales in comparison the facebook groups.

I did join a few of them... notably with good intentions, but unfortunately the stuff that goes through there is some of the worse. Times are 'great' i'd still argue, otherwise sadly there would be a heap of 'punters' (if facebook is to be believed) who have lost the house.

Unfortunately large multibaggers the likes of Chalice, Liontown, and more recently lake resources have emboldened everybody to normalise mutli baggers like it's an entitlement. The 20-40% returns people comonly boast about I do wonder how much longer this gravy train can run for - i mean keeping in mind long term compound wealth over the very , very long term at 20% would be a pipedream. I think Buffet himself averages circa that, and so there are several buffet's in these groups if one is to believe it.

It does bring a bit of an unsavoury question to the forefront with the rise of the new gen, social media driven stock groups: finfluencers, reddit, instagram etc. - and what is a blatant pump and dump. I am certainly not surprised that there are groups out there working in cohort to turn some quick change. But definitely scary thinking what's out there, and how many unsuspecting 'punters' will find out the hard way.