Forum Topics ITech Minerals
2 years ago

Hi Andrew,

Just watched the recorded conversation with Michael Schwarz  from ITech Minerals, Unfortunately I had to the leave the live stream 5 mins in due to a work emergency.

I really appreciated Michaels delivery - seemed honest, passionate and sincere about the company.

Liked the questions around ESG and Sovereign risk.

Awful lot of technical data to digest, It was good to see Michaels talk fondly about Archer Materials and the work they had undertaken, you never know when you'll be working together again.

They haven't been listed long so the financials wouldn't be clear - did appreciate him saying they had $5 Million + in the bank and should be able to run for 12-18 months without any issues.

It appeared that Michael also understood the importance of a higher share price prior to any cap raise, thus not creating to much dilution for share holders.

Michael did reference the market cap of its competitors several times and that he expects the share price to be multiple times of its current price in the near future.

Disc - Hold

thanks again, really informative having Michael deliver it rather than just pulling the info from power point presentations and announcements.