Forum Topics EBTC EBTC Not clearing
2 years ago

Hey @Strawman these shiny new bitcoin ETFs are not trading on strawman yet. I assume because they are new and it's the data providers issue. Just FYI.


2 years ago

Ugh.. nah, it's because S&P class them as ETPs (exchange traded products) and not ETFs. And our license agreement doesn't cover them.

Never mind that an ETF is a sub set of ETPs. Never mind that the providers of these products themselves classify them as ETFs.

Its insane. And not the first time we've been impacted by this stupid definition. I've had my concerns escalated all the way to the head of their APAC data business, who essentially suggested we'd be better off finding another provider.

We're just too small for them to give a stuff. (I guess they make too much money providing dangerously ill-informed credit ratings? Ok, maybe I'm just being cynical now).

Sorry for the rant, it's just super frustrating. Especially as I'd personally love to add a Bitcoin ETF to my Strawman portfolio.

I've put out a call previously, but if anyone has any good data providers they can recommend, email me their details!


2 years ago

Thanks for the reply!