Forum Topics TIKR beginners guide?
2 years ago

Recently I signed up to TIKR but still confused on creating a good screener as there are so many metrics to go through.

Are there any good guides for creating screeners for TIKR especially for small caps?

Below is one I constructed and hopefully this acts as a starting point. However I only got 30 matches.

I put the cash from financing as I wanted to see if the company also raised money - again not sure if that's the best filter for that.



2 years ago

I've found with ASX small caps it is best to use the more simple parameters because there are often datapoints missing due to the lack of coverage. For example, rather than levered free cash flow I would use operating income/operating cash flow as these numbers are always reported. Also be careful with using NTM because for many small caps there is no data.

Another way to get more results would be to simply display many factors rather than filter out results then sort by whichever factor you want or you could copy/paste the data into Excel if you wanted to do some type of number crunching.

Some examples of TIKR screens I have created to help give you some ideas:




