Forum Topics How banks work
2 years ago

Probably the best explanation of credit creation I've come across, and also why a highly concentrated banking system is probably not ideal.


2 years ago

Andrew really enjoyed the view on large banks and impact when lending is not for productive purposes and the inequality it creates when banks are lending for the transction of asset prices .

A question is Germany not experiencing inflation issues ?

Feels we are seeing this play out as we speak


2 years ago

Hi @wtsimis -- i'm way outside my circle of competence with these things, especially from a European context, but my guess is that because Germany is part of the wider Eurozone, and shares a common currency and monetary policy with its neighbours, any advantage it has with smaller, more distributed local banks is somewhat negated. Plus, you have especially pointed energy and food issues in that region right now.

Here's their 10 year CPI history
