Forum Topics Baby Giants Podcast #32
2 years ago

For those interested there’s a another great conversation between the boys on today’s Baby Giants Podcast (#32)

Amongst other things, they discuss Nanosonics transition away from GE to a more direct sales model and the possible consequences and opportunity of the market and short sellers not understanding this.              

As GE off loads inventory, NAN may experience a 2nd Half revenue drop which short sighted investors and brokers will no doubt mark the company down accordingly.

Interestingly, their thoughts on how current market volatility can offer long term investors great opportunities and Nanosonics being a case in point, could possibly find themselves in such a position. 

Thanks to Matt, Kevin, Claude and our very own Strawman for their insights, I thought the discussion was fascinating. Well worth the listen.

Below is Nanosonics last business update and a link to the Baby Giants Pod.

I continue to hold NAN IRL and on SM.

NAN business Update 25.5.2022.pdf