Forum Topics Are you OK?
2 years ago

Hey Strawpeople,

You don’t need me to tell you just how tough it is for investors at the moment. It’s not just hard to make money, it’s very, very, very hard not to lose money (at least on paper). My wife and I have taken a hit to our Self Managed Super Fund this year, some of that is not just on paper, but has been realised through changing holdings in our portfolio. It’s not a great feeling losing money when you are in retirement! It’s not a great felling anytime! But we are in a comfortable position…We are OK!

I feel like there might be some in our community who are not just finding these trying times very, very hard, but who in real life feel like everything has just been flipped upside down and life is now a total disaster? Some we may not have heard from through this forum? Some who have withdrawn? Some who don’t want to talk about it? A few who lay awake at night wondering how they got themselves into this mess, and can’t see a way out! I know this because I’ve been there!

Well, If you are reading this and can relate to what I am saying…let me assure you there is always a way out! Not only is there a way out, this unlikely event could change your life for the better! Seems unlikely I know, but there is one thing I know really helps. Tell someone! Someone you trust. Just spill it out. Don’t stew on it or bottle it up. Don’t beat yourself up! If your partner doesn’t know already…tell them!

As soon as you share what has happened, and more importantly how you feel, it will be like the world has been lifted off your shoulders. There is always a way out!

If you feel like you have no one to share your story with, I am happy just to listen. Please reach out here by Direct Message. I’m sure there will be other mates on Strawman who are happy to do the same. There are also people in organisations who are ready to listen to you, like: ‘Are you OK’, ‘Lifeline’, Beyond Blue’ and for rural people ‘Are you bogged mate’. They are all there to help.

Take care,



2 years ago

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2 years ago

Brilliant sentiment Rick.

portfolio is buggered but I’m ok.

I hope people reach out if they need to.


2 years ago

Nicely said @Rick

My DMs are also open if anyone needs to talk.