Forum Topics Reach Markets - Meet the Fund Manager
2 years ago

For those who haven't seen it, the latest Reach Markets webcast, featuring @Wini, can be found here. Luke discusses a range of topics and it features discussion into Merewether Capital's investments in:

  • Kipp McGrath
  • XRef
  • Aerometrix

One thing that's very admirable in Luke's presentation is transparency. Markets have been pretty unkind this past year and brutal to those of us at the micro end of the spectrum, which Strawman tends to skew towards. There's no attempt to sidestep that in the deck or gloss over the impact that's had on the fund. Accountability and transparency strikes me as very Strawmanish.


2 years ago

Thanks mate. Hey could be worse, just look at Cathie's performance!

Though I do note she has brought in an additional $600m FUM during the drawdown so maybe something I can take from her...