Forum Topics ASX tradable instrument?
2 years ago

I found it. Its call the BETASHARES AUSTRALIAN 200ETF. On Interactive Brokers the symbol is A200. Thanks for eveyones help


2 years ago

Not sure if you can find all the info that you have listed before but if you search XJO that is the official ticker for the ASX200. This is not tradable though.

In regards to A200 and other index tracking ETFs, these will always be regulated by market makers so I'm not 100% sure you will get the accurate info that you're looking for. I might be wrong however.

2 years ago

Do we have a tradable instrument for the ASX like the american SPY which tracks the S&P500?


2 years ago

SPY is just an ETF from my understanding... Official name SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust. My pure guess is that it looks much more like an instrument because of the liquidity available with SPY compared to A200/VAS given the much larger dollar demand for the SP500 plus all the options available.


2 years ago

Yes that is correct Its an ETF based on the S&P 500 and therefore tradable. Im looking for an equivalent of the ASX ( I suppose an ETF then follows the ASX200) My reason for this is then you can see the volume that is traded on particular market moves of that ETF and would then paint a picture better of what the market sentiment is.

Eg If I saw a decent drop in these today in any given instrument / symbol or stock I would then look into why. Was it dropping hard on little volume or hard on lots of Volume. This in turn tell me first that the pause or drop is because

A) it dropped a long way on low volume though , therefore just a knee jerk reaction to someone bailing out so I will stay in or posibly buy in if its low it its cycle.


B) Wow that dropped hard on medium volume, I dont think I will buy in (again referencing where it is on its cycle). I will wait and see if it has further to fall


C) It dropped hard on massive Volume, It may have been warranted for it to drop, however it caused the flood gates to open and sold of to heavey. I might buy in (again with reference to where it is in its cycle)

Looking at the ASX and the points it moves isnt a good indicator of where it will go and what the market is thinking right now.

EG the last 2 days (inc today) the market has paused. Now I know why with 70% certainty however my conviction would be much better if I knew the volume being traded on let say, an ETF thats reflecting the ASX200. Then I could look at it and say:

1) The price of the ETF (lets call it the ASX200 ETF) is not moving really and with no volume, because it has hit a MOving Average or a $ resistance/Support or a Trend Line and the market has paused to see which way the other guy is going to go (hence has it got more in the tank)


2) The price of the ASX200 ETF has stalled though with loads of of Volume. Another words its going to be an explosive move when one side of the trade gives up or is beaten. (Very volitile situation) Maybe Ill stay out of adding to that winning position im in until it gives me better conviction. Or maybe your a gambler 50/50 odds right. Depends on what your try to acheive.

I hope you can see why im very interested in an ETF ASX 200 insturment. Just knowing a stock. has good books isnt enough for me. I want to know the market sentiment (not what the media hype up) but what the market is really feeling.

Right now as Im sure you will all be asking; Is this the bottom or is there more left in the Tank

Market sentiment Rules not fundamentals or Technicals.

You have all seen great companies that are profitable beaten down when they shouldnt and companies exploding up when there not even close to profitability.

It takes Market Sentiment, Technicals & Fundamentals all together to give the best chance of success.

So let me know if anyone knows of anything we can trade reflecting the asx200. I think I will right my broker :)


2 years ago


Hey mate. When i google 'asx200 etf', it suggests a200.asx and stw.asx and ioz.asx.

They are all offered by reputable etf providers. I hope that helps your investment thesis.


2 years ago


Oh cool why didnt i think of that. Now I feel stupid. Oh well thanks Ill look into it.


2 years ago


Sorry mate, didn't mean to make you feel stupid.

There is only one stupid question, and thats the one someone does not ask!

@BoredSaint is right, XJO is the index tracking code, but to invest in the index you would need to buy one of the aforementioned ETFs.

I hope you let us know in 6 months or more how your thesis plays out, good or bad.


2 years ago

Morning Gents @reddogaustin @BoredSaint, Yes I knew the XJO part and to confirm boredsaints remarks the code Im now following is A200 on my brokers platform (Interactive borkers) which its real label is BETASHARES AUSTRALIA ASX200. Its an ETF of the ASX 200 and yes I can see the Volumes being traded there (Great).

My Thesis I have been using for 8 months now and it just gives me a short term feeling for entry or exit of positions. It has served me well so far. Its a broard feeling and obviously is subject to many other variables I take into account.

nanosonics - i felt it was at a bottom though wanted to see confirmatiion it was going to turn around. Boy did it turn around (Nice one for those that got in of the bottom). I dont think very many got it at the complete recent bottom as most strawman members buying in did so back when it was 3.80 - 4.05 mark. I could have placed a small position back then and made a decent %return obviously however my Technical Analysis told me it took off to fast and was ahead of its longer term stochastic indicator. I didnt expect it to go as high as it did, however great again for those that stuck it out. Literally 2 day before the recent sell off I marked my charts with Text saying get out and now here is the drop I was expecting. Today I see Strawman members selling out when I bought in yesterday afternoon at the close ($4.255) and now up a nice 3.18% ($4.39). Completly opposite what they are doing. I have just done the same this morning on Dicker Data after a bad day for it yesterday. I have now set my alerts to tell me if it falls within earshot of my PP to exit if I feel its got further to fall.

You will note that Nanosonics has been sold off (I could see coming so didnt buy in week or 2 back at the low point. It had a good rally although I decided to stay out. I dont get FOMO (lucky me) as there is always another op on the same stock or another company to invest it. Im ok with missing the first bounce. I have diciplined myself to wait for confirmation of either a turn around or retrace in the recent downtrend. The mere fact it had such a decent retrace is great. Tells me there are plenty of people watching it and they (the market) is very optimistic for the company. Hence @Strawman 's and other recent comments on NAN.

Thats what Technical analysis does for you. Its only a short term tool for me to gain entry or exits. I can be wrong of coarse and it drops further, thats why I buy slowly building the positions as I go.

I use my limited knowledge of Fundamentals first and more so what the broad consensus say here on Strawman to determine quality stocks to buy. Then I go to technicals for the entry point. Now that Im in on these 2 I rely on a technicals & Strawman to keep me in the trade as long as possible. Strawman (all of you lot) is educating me, however I have many questions I'd like to ask though dont know if people here would get the s**t's with to many questions.

I dont find any particual method works by itself. I had a guy in the states that I paid to teach me Options Trading. I havent traded Options as yet as it is another beast altogether. My teacher taut me it could be used in and areas of trading / investing. So I have applied it to Stocks. His biggest lesson was you need to peice many UNCORELLATED peices of infor together to give you the best CHANCE of success.

I have another tip for you you might like. Again its not to be taken by itself. Give another peice I have a quick glance at once in a while. Change the symbol at the top too $NYSIT. Its the McClelllan Summation Index applied to the NYSE. Its a chart to show you the direction the market is currently taking. So if its red and pointing down I wouldnt be looking to start a position for a long term play. Only short term plays if any at all. Its just another measure of the market much like watching the S&P500. I watch the American market daily. When the Americans have a really bad day you can bet we are next. I hate that about the markets. Absolutely ridiculous.

I find Fundamentals are what should be price on however its not. Fundamentals are the mean of the stock essentially and the price goes way above it and way below it and thats what the Technicals are for. You can almost with certainty predictthe points where the stock will change direction. That I have proved to myself.

Anyway thats enough banter for now. I welcome any thoughs you all have positive or negative to my thoughs with the hope it makes me an even better trader / investor.