Forum Topics US Results - observations

US Result season reflections.

For the first time I have spent some time listening to US results, below are my summaries.

Why am I doing this? Well mainly because I feel that the Aussie quality growth universe is quite narrow, and I am looking to expand that universe with int’l stocks. A narrow universe may also make the stocks relatively expensive, Aust growth managers have to buy the same stocks over and over, just look at Hyperion’s top 10 holdings for the last year!

Firstly the stock results I have listened to are V, TSMC, GOOGL, MSFT, TMO, CTAS, ASML, MA, DHR, AMD, POOL, TSCO, SYK, MTD, DOV, WST, GGG, ENTG, RGLD, DDOG. More to come.

I would characterise most of these stocks as quality growth and not particularly economically sensitive. Specifically, I am looking for med device or specialty industrial products with lots of IP protection.

The first conclusion is that results are quite strong, with consumer/client demand underpinning surging revenues. There were many comments about demand remaining strong and that allowed almost everyone to pass on higher input pricing through higher prices. There was also clear intent to continue to take price as costs increased. Not what the Fed wants to hear I suspect. I realise these are quite strong franchises but the ease and determination to take price is a significant point.

Three impediments to historic growth, have been the high USD, higher interest rates and higher oil. Only FX had any impact on results weighing in at about 3-4% negative. Offset by strong revenue growth. The impact translational not transactional, at this stage.

There were exceptions, as there always are, with stock specific and ad tech taking a beating, META, SNAP, SHOP, ROKU among them. (not covered)

Other areas that caught my interest was the short-term perspective taken by management and analysts compared to my Australian experience. I realise that the US operate on 3-month results but that seems to just encourage a set of short-term beats as a focus. The upshot is that there seems to be a quarter to quarter mentality, made me feel that unexpected moves will cause out sized volatility especially in the short term. To be fair most management said they had plans for a downturn, ie cost cutting, but no need to act now.

Secondly the size of the share-based comp is mind boggling. For those companies that can equalise share count through buybacks due to strong cash flow, passable-maybe, but for loss makers with falling share prices, the SBC will have a real negative impact. They used the share price is a weapon unto itself, if it doesn’t come back, could place them with some unsavoury choices.

Many companies guided specifically that growth is expected to continue to the end of the calendar year or into next year. Visibility varies across the companies but as a generalisation the outlooks are confident.

The conclusion is that demand is so strong that the companies can just pass on price and hold margins. The problem will come if demand hits a pothole, no sign of that so far, in fact far from it. The flip side is that increasing prices will mean a long battle against inflation could eventuate. Longer than some think.


2 years ago

Solvetheriddle appreciate your insights and can concur on your interest in the US equities .

The quarterly reports and conferences have been interesting to get a guide on the landscape in relation to business conditions and sectors .

The theme from Alphabet , Apple and Meta has been one of caution (slowing recruitment, reassessing investments which are bleeding monies ) allowing them to be nimble enough to adjust in what may lie ahead in terms of slowing growth.

One area of interest is in cloud and cyber security.

Many small to mid cap stocks as you noted SP's have been hit hard leading into the earnings season (ending June 30th 2022) and what we have seen are some snap backs from lows when revenues have continued to show growth by 40% plus . Stocks such as Datadog , Confluent and Cloudflare all bounced by in some cases 50% from recent lows.

The outlook for the sector and many of these looks positive with the investment into this area continuing to expand . I remain confident revenue growth rates of 20% plus per annum is sustainable over the next 5yrs plus . if this plays out current valuations are attractive especially when many companies are moving to cashflow positive an profitability.

Other stocks of interest and are well represented in this sector is Zscaler, Crowdstrike, OKTA and MongoDB all set to report over the coming 2-3 weeks.

Other sectors of interest which provide insight into the state of the economy are hospitality and finance sectors.

Chipotle over the recent quarter outlined that they passed on price increases which actually enabled operating margins to grow to 15.2% from 13% (this was also helped by more in store dining). This is very interesting and something many business would struggle to do without seeing revenue impacts. Will be watching how this plays out for Chipotle as you would expect their ability to pass this through from an ongoing perspective is limited.

In examining the finance sector the banking sector valuations PE are ranging form 6-10 for the likes of Citigroup and JPMorgan. The current tightening and inflationary cycle is clearly impactful and far from complete which is slowing lending in terms of the number of transactions and volumes of loans.

Similarly a couple of technology stocks whom operate in the fin tech space and are disruptors to the traditional banking systems and may evolve to winners long term are Sofi technologies and Upstart have also seen major pull backs in their valuations for exact same reasons . With valuations at all time lows Sofi saw their SP rise by 25% upon second quarter results coming through last week. Time will tell how this will play out.

Look forward to seeing the US earnings season unfold and our own reporting kick right into gear.