Forum Topics Clinuvel - Meeting Reflections
2 years ago


I have followed CUV for quite a few years now, and one of my initial sticking points holding me back from investing was the OTT communication. As noted, they report quarterlies even though they are not required to, on top of this the chairman also releases a regular newsletter, which is a random commentary on macro ideas and any current topic. At one point there was also a focus on the short position that made me wary.  My initial reaction to the above was too much talking, where is the focus on the business, so I sat on the side lines. Overtime I have come to view these newsletters as neutral, a quirk of the chairman and an acceptance that CUV are following a road map that works for the business and in turn shareholders.

(Short position is 6.7% lower than its historical past but has been increasing over the past 12mths.)

OTC range.

I also had this on my radar as a distraction, as I was having trouble seeing how a cosmetic range fitted into the seriousness of the conditions Scenesse treats. Yesterday’s interview makes this clearer with the approach to target niche unserviced, (can I say unglamourous?) groups. No idea if it will work, but it appears there is a pathway to test and involve the groups identified.

Broker research

This company gets limited coverage and I agree it gets relegated to the too hard and too different basket. It’s share price moves with the broader bio tech sector despite its financials setting it apart from the bulk of unprofitable and unproven bio companies out there. Bioshares, paid subscription, have covered it for years with a buy rating.


Following is a simplistic table of some key metrics, data taken straight from my broker account so it may not be completely accurate. Importantly it shows the trend in EPS and lack of growth in shares on issue.


held RL

2 years ago

EDITED - as I incorrectly reported the broker estimates on

Thanks @Strawman for putting $CUV on our radar screens. (I'd previously heard Gaurav Sodhi riff on it during Ausbiz The Call so I knew it would be interesting).

What I liked:

  • Current financials and growth
  • Broadly stable share count for last 5 years
  • Science-based technology platform with a vision for broader application
  • Good explanation of why the injectible administration of SCENESSE is superior and lower risk to other competitive routes of administration
  • An explicit CEO succession timeline
  • Continued quarterly 4C reporting

What I need to understand better:

  • What are the competitor products. For example, if there is no patent current on the molecule, what is to stop a generic competitor creating another injectible. "Patent portfolio" is all well and good, but what does it mean
  • Who are the competitors in development and what story are they telling
  • Issues with Chairman and investor strikes on Rem Report

More research, but on the shortlist as a result of today.

Interesting that very few brokers are covering this (none on the FNArena database ... unusual given the market cap!). I think one of the analysts at Intelligent Investor is following $CUV very closely. reports 4 Broker Valuations: Av Target $26.31 (Range $23.14 - $31.40). Note: today's close was $19.66.

Disc: Not held


2 years ago

The current "competitor" which is still undergoing trials is called "Dersimelagon 100mg" if you want to do some further reading. This is the oral drug that Dr Wolgren mentioned briefly.

I also loved how he mentioned why the injectable route of administration of SCENESSE is superior to oral alternatives.

Disc: Held IRL and on Strawman


2 years ago

I'll admit that when I saw the industry description, I almost instantly put Clinuvel into the "too hard" basket. It wasn't until I started doing a bit of prep did I realise how unusual it was for a biopharmaceutical company.

The magnitude of growth, combined with some of the highest net margins I've seen, as well as a fortress balance sheet came as a shock, and a good reminder not to be too dogmatic with investing. There are always exceptions to any rule.

The MD definitely seemed to be a long term thinker, and also hyper aware of the perils that these businesses often face. I thought he was pretty impressive.

If Clinuvel can sustain any decent sales momentum, and continue to scale effectively, the PE of 40 seems very undemanding. Especially if these new products gain any traction.

Of course, things can unwind pretty fast if there was ever any kind of serious health issue linked to their product, or if a new game-changing competitor arrived on the scene. So something to watch. But at face value it looks like it has a strong competitive position, defensive earnings and few funding risks.

The fact Gaurav likes it is definitely a good sign. Actually, I reached out to the CEO of InvestSMART recently (owner of the Intelligent Investor) to see if he would speak with our group. I'll also see if Gaurav would be up for a chat.


2 years ago

FYI: Gaurav and Mathan covered CUV on The Call today

Summary: Gaurav says the market has concerns that a competitive drug with a much simpler delivery mechanism which is currently seeking FDA approval "may" absolutely disrupt CUV's business but he still calls it a speculative buy; Mathan is a Hold if you own it otherwise a wait and watch


2 years ago

@mikebrisy on the Broker coverage and price target consensus front ...

My daughter has access to Sentieo and looking up CUV there we can see in it's database - in summary one Broker has it as a Hold, one as a Buy and one as a Strong Buy but most of the broker research is pretty dated. Capital Cube's is the most recent broker research (Apr 20th), Moelis Australia is the Hold from Feb 23rd and everything else is from last year or before (e.g. Sphene Capital's research was a Buy but is from Oct 2019)


2 years ago

@Strawman re: reaching out to Gaurav for a chat, great idea! I would also be really interested in hearing from the InvestSMART CEO.