Forum Topics Franking Credits
2 years ago

Un- ethical......


2 years ago

Labour BS!

What is Labour thinking? Surely retrospective disallowance of franking credits on special dividends and dividends following capital raising is unfair? Investors have made financial decisions based on these rules!

AFR this morning: “Labour is at it again in surprise move on dividends”

“The Albanese government has shocked investors by proposing to retrospectively stop companies paying shareholders fully franked dividends that are funded by capital raisings.

The crackdown on dividend imputation credits will affect retail investors and superannuation funds receiving special dividends outside of the usual dividend payment cycle and companies that issue new equity to fund distributions to shareholders.

Treasury forecasts the “franked distributions and capital raising” measure will raise a relatively modest $10 million a year, but investors fear the cost to them will be larger.

The government has proposed backdating the “integrity measure” to 2016 to ensure that only distributions equivalent to realised profits can be franked, alarming investors in companies that have paid special dividends or issued new shares in the past six years.

The change could disallow some franking credits paid to retail shareholders, superannuation funds and trusts that receive dividends from public and private companies.

BDO tax partner Mark Molesworth said investors could receive surprise tax bills for special dividends they received since December 2016.”

Surprise tax bills retrospectively? What absolute BS!


2 years ago

Touch my dividends with franking credits, and i might finally march in the street.

Or call the GG, and tell him to dissolve parliament (i'm sure he needs the franking credits too).

Silly government, stay in your lane (aka, away from my franking credits!)


2 years ago

Sounds like the current government is after my franking credits! Shame! I hope the super funds, the real big-boys find a way to 'encourage' Albo to stop his attack on franking credits. They're a most excellent retirement plan.