Forum Topics EnergyOne
2 years ago

BP report on energy markets - bp Energy Outlook 2023 and Energy Outlook | Energy economics | Home (

Well worth a read covers a lot even on copper demand etc.

2 years ago

I was just listening to the meeting from yesterday and was wondering if anyone had a link to the presentation referred to with EOL's competitors?

I also found the below interesting more the renewed poltical focus to build and support renewables especially following the recent QLD government annoucnement

An interview with Transgrid CEO - Transgrid CEO Brett Redman says Team Australia must unite to overcome price spikes, blackouts (

In particular:

"This means building more energy supply in a country and that all goes to energy security. So, the challenge for Australia is what we’ve seen with the federal government and, in the last few days, with the Queensland government and Victorian government. Australia has now caught up with some very ambitious plans. And Europe in particular is now accelerating even faster ahead of us. 

Do you believe Australia will need to build projects simultaneously if we are to avoid the bottlenecks of supplies?

I think it is something that we should be increasingly thinking about. And that’s one of my takeaways here. For example, I was talking to National Grid, who are the TransGrid in England, and Ofgem, who are the regulator here, and in both cases what they’re talking about is a real push towards 2030. 2030 has become when they want to get to I think it’s 50 gigawatts of offshore wind built and connected through the system. A lot of offshore wind in the UK is built in Scotland, where I am now. And so how do you get the transmission lines in place to get it from the north to the south where there are the big demand centres.

It’s a very similar challenge to what we have in Australia. They’re talking about putting to the National Grid something like 17 big transmission projects to be done by the end of the decade.

And - Energy transition: Queensland to cut off coal power by 2035, says premier Annastacia Palaszczuk (

Ms Palaszczuk has vowed to end Queensland’s reliance on coal power by 2035, saying the stations would remain as back-up until pumped-hydro projects were operational.

The plan commits to two new pumped-hydro power stations – the Borumba project, near Gympie, in south-east Queensland, as well as the Pioneer-Burdekin project near Mackay – to provide up to 7 gigawatts of long-duration storage, as well as other wind and solar projects.

Transgrid’s plan to streamline $8b grid build-out (

AEMO estimates that 14 gigawatts of coal power generating capacity in the National Electricity Market will close by 2030, much more than the 8 GW announced so far.