Forum Topics Fintech disrupters…disrupted!
2 years ago

Is there a bear case for fintech disrupters like Square (Block) and other payment systems? The banks are moving in to disrupt the disrupters. In a story from the AFR this morning NAB has just released its own mobile phone payment system, with the other big Australian banks to follow.

“National Australia Bank claims to be the first bank in the world to allow small business owners to accept payments directly from their mobile phones, in a strategic response to US giant Square that shows major banks are starting to fend off competitive threats from big tech.

NAB has undercut Square’s pricing with a new product it calls Easy Tap, which lets SMEs accept payments with an android phone or tablet without any additional hardware.

NAB is also making a push into business software, via a new data portal known as Hive, which allows retailers to see transactions in real-time and generate data on things such as the relative performances of stores and products and sales intensity based on the time of day.

Westpac has announced a similar move to allow customers to take payments directly from phones, but it is not expected to hit the market until early next year. NAB has already released its product.

Commonwealth Bank, meanwhile, has responded to Square by releasing a white, square-shaped card reader of its own.”

Full Story Here

Disc: Big 4 Held IRL


2 years ago

@Rick, interestingly NAB are allegedly planning a takeover offer for Tyro - article here (Australian paywall)

This makes sense for NAB if you ask me. Here is the segment share between the big banks and Tyro:


Tyro is nibbling at NAB's ankles. NAB were the only bank of the 'big 4' to increase their terminal count in FY22 (vs FY21). Are they making a play at this market? The acquisition of Tyro would have them very close to CBA on terminal count.


2 years ago

Interesting about Tyro @Rocket6I’m not a subscriber to The Australian, so couldn’t read the story. Is that where you found the chart? This will be an interesting space to watch over the next few years.


2 years ago

The chart is from Tyro's most recent annual report (investor presentation). I think the banks realise how valuable the payments space is, but it took various innovative disrupters for them to cotton on. There is lots of data potential at play in this space... we all know how important data is to the big tech and to a lesser extent the banks.


2 years ago


Its not just a case of being disrupted. Here is the bear case for Fintech in general:

The annual Sibos conference is the Davos of the payments industry. The latest opus in Amsterdam, attended by 10,000 delegates from October 10th to 13th, seemed stuck between the future and the past. Sessions on the metaverse and the digital euro drew crowds. But so did a barber stall and arcade games lit by 1980s-style neon lights. Next to an exhibitor displaying a “net-zero” countdown to 2050, measured in milliseconds, financial plumbers mulled decade-old issues, from clunky trade finance to costly cross-border payments. Virtual-reality headsets and, later, vodka cocktails made heads a little heavier, even as they lightened the mood. 

That there was a whiff of escapism was no surprise, for the here-and-now of fintech is bleak. Spooked by rising interest rates, investors have tightened their purse strings. As a result, fintech funding has collapsed (see chart). The average deal has fallen from $32m in 2021 to $20m in 2022. Between July and September a mere six firms graduated to unicorn status, achieving a valuation of $1bn or more, compared with 48 in the same period last year. Exits have also stalled. There were 27 public listings in the last quarter of 2021, compared with two in the one just passed.

The speed of the slump has caught many in the industry by surprise. A year ago fintech founders were like “kids in a candy store”, says Jeff Tijssen of Bain, a consultancy. Plentiful venture-capital funding allowed them to launch into foreign markets, make bold acquisitions and hire the best staff. Future revenue was richly valued, and startups chased growth at all costs. Now “a dollar of revenue” is worth considerably less, says Michael Treskow of Eight Roads, a venture-capital firm, and not all revenue is “equal”. As investors demand a path to profitability, founders’ wings are being clipped. Employees, meanwhile, are heading elsewhere. Whizz kids previously up for a gamble are slinking off to consultancies and banks. Many need a new job anyway: fintechs have sacked 7,300 staff since April.

The shift started in the public markets, where the ten largest fintechs have lost $850bn in value in the past year. As the route to initial-public offerings became more difficult, the biggest private firms began to be affected. Some cash-strapped giants, including Klarna, a buy-now-pay-later lender, have seen their valuations slashed by more than 80% in “down” funding rounds. Those still closing “up rounds”, including Acorns, an investing app, are often doing so on tough terms, guaranteeing that new backers will double their money even in the “worst-case” forecasts. 

All of this is common to other tech sectors. But fintechs look especially vulnerable, because many are directly exposed to the risk of recession. Lenders that used cheap funding to provide online mortgages and buy-now-pay-later loans face soaring costs and rising defaults. Neobanks that rely on transaction fees are being starved of revenues. Businesses that banked on the boom in retail investing, from crypto exchanges to online brokers, are suffering as trading volumes collapse. Those catering to small firms may well go under with their wobbly clients. 

Thus many startups will struggle to make it through winter. But those that provide essential services to digitising firms should keep attracting venture-capital funds, many of which have money lying unspent. In America alone their collective “dry powder” hit $290bn in the last quarter, twice the average from 2016 to 2020. With consumer spending set to crash in Europe, American startups are valued at a premium, says Lily Shaw of Omers Ventures, the venture-capital arm of a Canadian pension fund. Beyond this geographic trend, three types of fintech firms look best equipped to attract venture-capital dosh.

First are companies that reduce inefficiencies, from the management of company expenses to the reconciliation of business payments, and thus ought to help companies cut back in more difficult times. Next are firms that create new revenue lines for their clients, such as enabling a travel agent to sell their customers insurance. The final group includes financial plumbers, from firms providing data or ones dabbling in crypto to those that help banks comply with sanctions. 

Only a few fortunate upstarts—such as GoCardless, which facilitates recurring bank-to-bank payments, and Clearbank, which provides cloud-based payments software—tick all three boxes. They run the infrastructure that moves money around at a time when the dominant “rails” remain costly (think of those 3% credit-card fees) and old-fashioned firms want to build their digital storefront—the logic that underpinned the fintech boom. For this lucky group, the Dutch waffles and daïquiris in Amsterdam were perhaps deserved after all. ■

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2 years ago

Hi @Chagsy, your reply got me thinking about the instant cloud based bank transfers we see a lot more of lately.

Transfers between banks used to happen overnight. Now the money is in our account in another bank before you can log in to check it! But who clips the ticket for these services? It doesn’t cost us anything directly, or does it?

It is now a lot more common to see NPP (New Payment Platform) or Osko next to a transfer. Who owns these platforms?

I started digging into this a bit.

What is the NPP and Osko?

Osko is part of BPAY and is an overlay service developed for use on the NPP. It was launched in 2018, its first iteration enabled time peer to peer payments via the users regular internet or mobile banking service.

There is more about the NPP platform here

Who clips the ticket?

Osko by BPAY is issued by over 70 BPAY Scheme participants. When you use BPAY payment products, the BPAY Scheme is paid fees relating to processing costs and BPAY Scheme membership

But who owns Osko and BPAY?

BPAY is the registered trading name of BPAY Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Cardlink Services Limited.

Who owns Cardlink Services?

Cardlink is a self-regulating organisation owned equally by the four major Australian banks: CBA, WBC, ANZ and NAB.

Uh ha! So it all circles back to the Big 4 who are clipping the ticket on the NPP transactions. But we don’t pay anything for these services, do we? Very clever!