Forum Topics GTK - anyone following ?
2 years ago

Hi all,

I noticed some attention being given to Gentrack (GTK) online around the place.

allears to have some interesting traits, software business offering is to utilities maybe with some tailwinds…

Anyone know this business better?


2 years ago

More or less a UK focused Hansen Technologies style billing software company. I had a position a few years ago and then the UK legislated energy price controls around 2019 which saw revenues plummet with a few serial profit downgrades after multiple energy retailers went bust. My recollection is that about half of them were Gentrack customers.

I sold out for a loss because it looked like it was all too hard. Its looking better now with revenues coming back and price caps lifted, but still too UK focussed for my liking.

Even if they can grow elsewhere, with the risk of UK/EU energy crisis, I'm going to say that there is too much geopolitical risk in the current environment and there is no margin of safety in the current price.


2 years ago

I was looking at it last year when it got below a $1.50. I think they're getting close to getting the major issues behind them.

They have a major customer that is been restructured (5-10% or so of revenue) so not sure if they will lose or maintain in the UK.

I like the new CEO and it appears they're fixing a lot of the technical debt.

I need to have a closer look thanks for remining me - I've been put off by the 100% rally in the share price!