Forum Topics AD8 SM interview

I really appreciated the interview with the AD8 CFO today. not knowing that much about AD8, except, its "a lay down misere", and "a locked winner"-etc etc

the discussion filled in many of the areas i have been wondering about, and increased my knowledge enormously, well done SM and participants. i was the anonymous question, didnt realise that was the default :)


2 years ago

Only just got around to listening to the interview tonight, flat out this week. I am glad I did. I found the CFO to be super impressive, down to earth and humble. I particularly liked the last question you asked @Strawman (what does he find himself constantly repeating to investors/fund managers and the like). Essentially, to paraphrase, his responses were:

  1. Our product is so kick arse that we can't articulate this well enough to investors. Speak to our customers and you will understand.
  2. It is hard for people to appreciate the opportunity that is in front of our business, particularly as it relates to possible business growth, scale and EBITDA margin. He then goes on to say that the business is intentionally quite conservative with its forecasts.

How good is that?! I had a chuckle but ultimately took him at his word. We are talking about a world leader here that is 12x bigger than its closest competitor, with a long growth runway ahead of it.

I hold Audinate and hope that will continue to be the case for a very long time. That said, I got a lot out of the meeting (thanks @Strawman) and learnt a lot I didn't already know, particularly around the video-related opportunity. @Solvetheriddle given the interview helped fill some of your knowledge gaps, what are your current thoughts? Is the investment proposition now a more attractive one for you?