Forum Topics Results briefings
2 years ago

Been listening to a few results briefings this last week or so. Amazing that access to these is ubiquitous now, not very long ago it was the exclusive domain of analysts and big funds.

I am not sure what to make of it yet, but I thought the approaches of different management teams is interesting. I'm an IRL shareholder in both SIQ and LOV, and it was interesting how different their approach was. LOV had a good result, but it seemed to me the management team wasn't that transparent or open and maybe a bit defensive (go to the end of the briefing and see how they avoided the question from a shareholder on employee issues). Contrast that with SIQ, a more low growth business (but high ROE) and a result that was in essence down year on year, but the CEO and CFO couldn't have been more humble, transparent and forthcoming. Not sure if this is something I should incorporate into my investment method, but wondered what other people thought having listenened to one or either of these briefings?