Forum Topics Oracle - Holding the line on the tech space
2 years ago

Like Promedicus, Oracle is one stock everyone loves to hate. Particularly Larry Ellison (Remember Iron Man 2?).

Making headway against the cloud incumbents Microsoft and Amazon. Also outperforming against Salesforce in the CRM and Okta in the Identity space.

Like with all US stocks, a real pain holding ORCL when it comes to tax time and you have to contend with currency movements

Totally underestimated Oracle turning their business around and pivoting to the cloud. Sadly their Metalink support portal has remained the same for the last 10+ years!

Reason why I highlight Oracle is there are a few listed ASX companies that are in the same space as Oracle, particularly analytics,security and ERP. and they could deepen further into that space at any time.

But I think any ASX companies will be unlikely to be acquired. Oracle very picky on acquisitions but also very professional once they complete an acquisition - unlike some others here in the ASX.

Would be wise to keep track of any development news at Oracle, probably go to some events when you get the chance just to see what potential competition they may create.
