Forum Topics Compounding returns
one year ago

@Strawman I have not been able to share this until now but a few weeks back the micro investing app Raiz, previously known as acorns was discussed on the pod.

When acorns was first launched, I signed up. My account opened June 27 2016 and I set aside the goal of ‘I’ll invest regularly for something in the future”. On average I put away around $6 a day, plus the roundups (a $3.50 coffee would put $0.50c into Raiz, aggregating until it reached $5 and then would be invested into Raiz). It changed a bit over the years but I never stopped, I actually made the app hard to find in my phone and I often forgot about it altogether.

Over the years I took bits out, 1k here, 2k there to pay for flights or a new laptop etc.

HOWEVER, most recently I cashed out the entire account, closed it and eloped. It paid for a significant part of my wedding, this is why I couldn’t share the news til now. I don’t have a detailed breakdown of the performance on hand but a snapshot is below.

Essentially I just put away $6 a day from 2016, paid for some holidays along the way and an OTT wedding, without ever really thinking about the cost of it. It doesn’t show in the slide but the final balance at closing was $12.2k.

I just wanted to share because I think it’s a fun example of an app designed for savings. And yes I know the fee’s aren’t that sensible but I was aware of that and liked the features it provided from a savings point of view.




one year ago

Bravo @TycoonTerry! A most excellent example of the Tortoise beating the Hare!

$6 a day! As Darth Vader would wheeze, "most impressive".


one year ago

@TycoonTerry that's a great result.

I remember reading somewhere that the rate of saving is significantly more influential to your wealth than the rate of return.

I do love the automatic nature of these apps, plus the roundup feature.