Forum Topics Artificial intelligence
one year ago

This would be a game changer and eliminate informational edges. The only edges and variables left would be analysing the probabilities of the future for better forecasting, timeframes and behaviour.



one year ago

Will this make much of a different to mid - large caps, which already have huge amounts of analysis and market participation pouring over every bit of newsflow?

I can definitely see the capability making information flow and digestion more efficient at the small end of the market.

However, I still question how "intelligent" these technologies are. To what extent do they evaluate the quality of the inputs? I reguarly fall off my chair when I read what gets put by some respected analysts and institutions into some equity research reports. And if this content is an input to the AI algorithm, isn't it a case of more GIGO?

So if we assume that AI turbocharges the efficiency of information flow and analysis of information, will this narrow the spread of valuation estimates by market commentators and analysts? If so, does this present an opportunity for the contrarian investor - someone with deep insights into a firm, its management, its market, the technology and competitors - who is prepared to take a different view to the consensus?

I'm not at all a naysayer on AI. I use it every day and I believe its impact it going to be transformational (Just listen to Matt Joass on the latest Baby Giants pod).

However, I think there is a real edge to be gained in "analysing the probabilities of the future for better forecasting, timeframes and behaviour" and perhaps if tools like AI make many market participants lazy, is it possible that the space for the contrarian investor opens further?


one year ago

I agree @mikebrisy I would not be relying on AI to make my investment decisions, that would be similar to just using and algorithmic trading strategy.

I believe as AI capabilities and use cases develop the information advantage institutions have with teams working for them will reduce drastically. I view this specific AI model as a tool to improve productivity in stock research, and hopefully more will come out. This should only benefit the retail investor. Your analysis and conclusions made from the data it gives you, should still form the basis of your investment thesis.