Forum Topics 23 Lessons about Money and Investing
one year ago

Morningstar posted this today ... (from the book Laws of Wealth by behavioural finance expert Daniel Crosby)



one year ago

Thanks, one that resonates with me is time is a scarce resource. the amount of time you have or want to spend on investing is limited. the return on that limited time is critical. very critical. i call it filling the funnel with ideas. there are a lot of ways to waste time with no results. finding actionable ideas is so important. i cull news feeds that dont produce results in a set timeframe, as although they may be entertaining they, in reality, do not add to the wealth pie. efficient finding of and obtaining value creating ideas is just so critical especially for retail investors, (not spoon fed), spend your tiem very wisely. in fact i suspect SM is an idea generator for many and thats why thye are here


one year ago

I like the quote "If you're excited about an investment, it's probably a bad idea."

Here's how I tackle this problem. Everytime when I have an exciting investment idea, I'll try to explain it to my wife, who has no experience or interest in investing. She is also super suspicious about things she doesn't understand.

If I could make my wife understand this idea and get a "Sure, I don't mind" from her, that's usually a very good sign. It shows that I totally understand what I'm about to do and the logic behind it is solid.

Otherwise, I'll just move on. That's how I avoid touching any metaverse game, meme coin, or BNPL stocks.