Forum Topics 29M 29M MoM on Capricorn mine Flooding

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23 May 2023: What 200 Olympic Pools of Water Means for 29Metals - YouTube

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That's the "Money of Mine" (MoM) Podcast boys covering the March 2023 massive flooding of 29M's Capricorn Copper Mine in Qld - and some of the implications or fallout from that for 29Metals - in their podcast today (23rd May 2023).

[Disclosure: I do not hold 29M shares.]

one year ago

Quite grim listening to the podcast on the flooding of Capricorn.

Got to feel for 29M when something out of the blue like a massive wet weather event comes in and ruins everything.

Would be quite hard recovering from all that flooding. Will be interesting to see if this mine can bounce back.

Tough being a base metals producer at the moment. But I can't see how the copper price can stay this low when there are production disruptions in other places and not just 29M.