Forum Topics EVS EVS Taxlossselling

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Added one year ago

Envirosuite is getting pounded pretty hard on tax loss selling. Quickly approaching 5 year lows.

Speaks to the sentiment investors have towards the business at the time. Board renewal will now likely align with investors holding renewal.

one year ago

I just hope that's all it is @JPPicard

While I remain of the view that shares are decent value (certainly better value lately), it's always hard not to think "what does everyone else know that I don't?"

I'll feel better if and when we see some acceleration in growth. Not that the results have been terrible, but we do need to see past investments in acquisitions and product development start to more meaningfully deliver. I think they can, and it's not too much of a stretch to see them generating $100m in annual revenue in the next 5 years or so, and with decent margins, but if they fall somewhat short of that, and especially if they aren't sustainably profitable reasonably soon, shares may not be that cheap after all. If they can, I could envisage a share price that is 2-3x higher at that point. So the risk/reward proposition is at least better now.

All that being said, I can totally see how tax-loss selling would be very tempting for long-term holders.