Forum Topics Increased Mining Regulator Oversight
one year ago

There has been increasing discussions within the company I work (a mining company) for regarding increasing Regulator oversight, and subsequently powers. This is seemingly in response to broader macro themes and media reports regarding required improvements in ESG and Sustainability standards and monitoring, particularly placed on larger organisations who should have more resources available to address these required improvements and initiate/create change.

This article from the AFR (and other media) was shared yesterday regarding dust emissions at the Cadia Mine which is owned and operated by Newcrest (soon to be Newmont). Pretty interesting read (for me anyway - who works in this space)

IMO it's going to be an interesting narrative over the coming 5-10 years regarding these necessary improvements in ESG and Sustainability, as it'll be mining companies targeted by media, heightened regulations and increasing requirements which ultimately do require additional capital allocation. Yet, as we all know, mining companies are required to make the very change we are regulating against - through finding and producing these resources, bringing more supply to market and hopefully reducing cost.

There is a bit to take away from this but immediate reactions is that this may increase the use case/need for companies like Envirosuite (EVS) and similar organisations (EGL).

Interested to hear others' thoughts.