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Pinned straw:

Added one year ago

Victim of the day after two mean years of cash-burning tech companies getting punched in the stomach daily, and last remains of tax loss selling continue.

After today's low volume trading, Rightcrowd has got a market cap of $3.95M. In the last quarterly, ARR closed at $11.4m. This puts them at 0.3x ARR. I don't remember seeing a number this low before!

Now, it's blatantly obvious that they have run out of cash, even CEO admitted this in last quarterly: "the Company acknowledges the potential requirement for additional funding sources. It continues to collaborate with its advisors to explore various options and determine the best course of action.”

Let's hope they doesn't kill them completely.

one year ago

I sold and took the tax loss at the high yesterday. Good riddance - now watch as it rips in the new FY, or receives a takeover offer at a 100%+ premium (seems to be the norm with these losers of late!).