Forum Topics Custom index
one year ago

The idea of a custom index builder was popular when first suggested, so I'm keen to hear what people think. Good or bad!

One scenario that I thought was interesting: The Top 100 members by Community Ranking (places a big emphasis on content creation & 'likes'). This group of members has outperformed the market over 1, 3 & 6 months. But are still below the market on an annual basis (but not nearly as much as the standard SM Index):


Hopefully a sign that things are starting to turn at the smaller end?

I've found it's also been a nice way to search through the community for particular subsets of members. EG here are those members that rank in the top 50 of the Community Rank and have outperformed the market over the last 12 months and since inception:


Anyway, my hope is that you'll get a better feel for where the alpha is being generated. I'd also encourage people to spend some time curating which members you follow, as this will likely give you a better cohort to measure relative to your own preferences.