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Ok #Nnyck. State Street are just setting up an infantry line so to speak. They can then lend / short MP1.
State Street Substantial holder notices give me PTSD. Many, many of these as I saw Zip shorted to smithereens.
Yep, and there a few players who are regularly involved in shorting, meaning that they actively short companies themselves or they regularly buy stock to lend that stock to others for the purposes of shorting. State Street is one of those players. This is no surprise, Bevan Slattery has been in a war with shorters for years over various companies that he has founded, such as NextDC (which he no longer is a substantial shareholder of himself), Megaport and Superloop. Just saying, you'll see a number of companies, like JP Morgan, State Street, Mitsubishi UFJ, regularly becoming Subs and then ceasing to be Subs, and it's just part of the shorting game and should largely be ignored. You'll also often see mirror notices when an entity that is controlled by a larger entity becomes a Sub or drops below 5%, as both entities are required to lodge the forms, even though it only a single shareholding.