Forum Topics TLX TLX Bear Case

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Added 12 months ago

Telix sudden fall was due to downgrades across the board


I'm still doing my own figures

Anyone got ideas on how to covert Operating Cash from activities in the quarterly to Ebitda? Feel free to share.


12 months ago

Does this help @edgescape?

Operating cash flow tracks the cash flow generated by a business' operations, ignoring cash flow from investing or financing activities. EBITDA is much the same, except it doesn't factor in interest or taxes (both of which are factored into operating cash flow given they are cash expenses). Both EBITDA and OCF add back depreciation and amortization. Overall, both look to determine how well a business is generating money from its core operations. More in the link below: cash flow tracks the,given they are cash expenses).


12 months ago

Yes that's the one I saw as well

I got 19m EBITDA for the June 1H23


It was a miss according to the analysts. They were expecting slightly more.

Although I have the updated estimates, I don't have the full report so I'm guessing their opinions and expectations.

Gross profit also came below expectations I guess due to increases in input prices. Hard to say if it is a buy at this level, Not surprised if this can go lower unfortunately.

Some target prices maintained. From the call, EU approval of Illucix might come later half of this year. TLX-250 FDA submission to come later this year. Probably news from these will provide some catalyst.