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Added 12 months ago

While I still have access, here is a map from Capital IQ Pro of neighbours if you are interested in nearology. Personally I try to avoid nearology plays but still keep them on a watchlist. Companies listed - ANX, SBR, MLS, RDN

As I understand, RDN acquired some tenements from Welcome Exploration Pty Ltd (Purple) so included them on the map


Red one in the centre is Azure's Andover tenements.


12 months ago

This is a way better way to suss nearology and the history of the tenements.


12 months ago

Thanks. Last time i checked months ago i found it hard to use. Will check again

Geez AZS having a good run. When I saw the 10k order go thru at 1.40 months back I should have followed?


12 months ago

It can take a bit of time to get the hang of it but once you do, it's a very handy tool to have.


12 months ago

Even when the owner of the tenement is under a different name from the public company, Capital IQ can find the link between the two companies while the WA link doesn't.

Also Capital IQ aggregates the data from all over the world, not just WA.

The downside of Capital IQ there is no filter by region and hence will be slow.