Forum Topics ASX Stock Market Game
one year ago

ASX is holding a stock market competition.


No intention of offending strawman since one was held before

Top 300 stocks but there are a few outliers including Red5 and Neometals.


12 months ago

Seem to be doing well here thanks to the one day fire sale on Data#3 that happened last week.

Red5 doing well despite being a dreaded gold company that is just starting to get its act together.

Good exercise in reading the charts and picking ones that looked "stable".


12 months ago

I reckon you could game this as a group to have someone win it. Ie., pick 10 themes and the riskiest stocks in each theme, get one person to go with each strategy. Definitely sound investment strategy.


12 months ago

My comp portfolio doing better than my main and strawman one! Consistently beating the benchmark

Courtesy of the most hated gold company RED, the most expensive and hated services company John Lyn Group

and the most polarising and expensive fund manager AEF.

Also thanks to the sell down of the Data#3 which I bought during the comp.
