Forum Topics MEA MEA FY23 Results

Pinned straw:

Added 11 months ago

This will come as a shock to many (not!) but I wouldnt touch McGrath with a barge pole. Still, I couldn't help scan their results for some confirmation bias.

Here's some cherry picked stats:

  • Number of properties sold down 20% over the year (despite a 16% increase in office numbers)
  • Average selling price across their network down 3.7%. More broadly, house prices down 5% from a year ago.
  • Revenue down 27%, NPAT down 47%

An AFR article today quotes the founder John McGrath saying:

  • The lower end of the market could fall by up to 5 per cent over the next three to six months as some homeowners struggle to meet the sharp increase in mortgage repayments.
  • I think there are still some risks because a large number of people with fixed mortgages are resetting their interest rates from 2 per cent to 7 per cent. It’s already happening, so I don’t think we’re over the mortgage pain necessarily
  • Sadly, we’ve seen some distressed selling in the last couple of months. It’s more anecdotal and the number is still relatively small, but I speak to many of our franchisees on a weekly basis and they are telling me that they’re seeing three or more distressed sales starting to pop up on their books.

Of course, he thinks things will improve. "Strong migration and stabilising interest rates would continue to support demand"

“If we’re looking 12 months ahead, I think we will see the new cycle start around the end of this financial year, and we should be in pretty good shape thereafter.”

We'll see I guess. Pretty sure the powers that be will throw everything they can at housing to avoid any material selling. It really is too big to fail at this point.

I wrote this in March. Naturally, prices have gone UP since then.

11 months ago

The sad thing is many are forced to transact in this ridiculously priced market, be it as homeowners or renters, with no end in sight. There's only so long you can live under one roof with friends, family, or in-laws (for those fortunate enough to even have that option) if you have a growing family of your own to shelter.


11 months ago

[Held IRL]

I took a small ~1.5% holding @ average cost base 40c in Apr/June last year as a "paid-to-play" idea - I expected them to continue paying a dividend, the buy back at sub-book-value prices was a bit of a safety blanket and I figured the east coast property market wouldn't completely shutdown given the rental crisis and reignited migration demand.

Any selling, distressed or otherwise, puts $ in the agents' pockets, so the distressed selling narrative is hardly bad news for MEA (although admittedly their commissions will be lower as the market price of property dips).

For their property management business, the increase in market rents in response to rising interest rates flows through to MEA as well given their % commission on monthly rental, but this was somewhat hidden because they sold some of the businesses including the attached management portfolio to franchisees.

As ewww as many of the metrics they just reported were, they:

  • Still reported a profit (~3.9c EPS)
  • Including the upcoming regular dividend + special dividend of 3.5c they will have paid out 5.5c in FF dividends since I started holding i.e. 13.8% or 17.9% grossed up thus far
  • Have no debt
  • Are currently sitting on ~17c cash per share
  • Reported net assets of ~54c per share
  • Are continuing to co-invest into the most outstanding franchisee offices and position themselves for extra $ flow through when sales pick up

Maybe MEA is a horrible value trap and it's certainly not a proposition likely to be a life changing investment, but continuing to hold while waiting for the property market narrative to get a little less dire still seems like a sensible albeit "boring" idea to me.